CLIMATE EMERGENCY TOWN HALL MEETING ON SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER in Melbourne Town Hall’s Swanston Room 1:00pm-4:00pm. Eventbrite sign-up. |
Or rather: one would think the dramatic climate breakdown we have witnessed around the world in recent months would be changing everything in policy making, in voting patterns, in consumer behaviour. But will it?
Most likely, this is going to depend not on our leaders, but on us – the people of the world. And in our case, right here where we live and work as part of the people of Australia. The grassroots. The local communities. The people on the ground.
Doing what is necessary now is not an easy task. We should not be surprised if our political leaders will not be changing anything as long as they don’t feel pressured to do so – as long as those of us who push for change don’t have the massive numbers. And as long as we don’t step up together as a community in a loud, unified call for climate safety.
This raises questions around the community’s trust – and lack of trust – in the climate science and in the integrity of our leaders. Questions around to which degree we value honesty and responsibility, and whether or not we are prepared to turn everything around in order to protect the most vulnerable, the youth and future generations.
To get out of the mess we are in, Australia needs a broad, popular movement built from bottom up as an alliance of community and activist groups – and built on a solid foundation with a positive vision, clear strategy and effective methods and technologies. But how do we do it? This is on the agenda at the Melbourne Town Hall on Saturday at 1pm: Not only the How, but also the Why, the Who, the Where and the When.
Meeting agenda:Part 1: Vision | The why Gathering the pieces in a chaotic time Change to come from the bottom up Part 2: Strategy | The how How we end state capture How we change the system Mobilisation ideas and visions on the political stage Part 3: Tools | The who, where and when Connecting our mechanisms Existing campaigns, new ideas, calls to action This is a meeting for the climate action grassroots with focus on community and grassroots attendance and support. The Teals, the community independents and online initiatives such as Vote Climate One and Vote Earth Now – as well as the independent community media – are all a very important part of this mix. Speakers include:Mark Diesendorf: The Sustainable Civilisation (Presented via video) Mark is co-author of the new book ‘The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation’. Gilbert Rochecouste: The new story that will nourish life Gilbert is founder of Village Well Liz Boulton: Building a new movement Liz is author of Plan E, where “E” stands for Earth, Emergency, Everyone, Everywhere Robert Hinkley: The Code for Corporate Citizenship (Presented via video) Robert Hinkley is a retired corporate lawyer Charlotte Gallace: The youth perspective Charlotte, 15, is a climate striker Dr Louise Woodward, paediatrician, Darwin, Northern Territory (see video) and Dr Karen Kiang Honorary, Paediatrics Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne: Beetaloo must be the line in the sand for Australia Bryony Edwards: What role the Climate Rescue Accord can play Freja Leonard: What role the No More Gas campaign and Friends of the Earth can play Rob Eisenberg: What role Vote Earth Now can play Rob Bakes: What role Vote Climate One can play Adrian Whitehead: What role Council mobilisation can play Jane Morton: What role civil disobedience and XR can play Robert Patterson: What role can play Mik Aidt: What role independent media can play Bryony Edwards and Tony Gleeson are facilitating the event. Many of the above speakers can be heard on The Sustainable Hour, i.e: Dr Louise Woodward, Mark Diesendorf, Gilbert Rochecouste, Liz Boulton, Robert Hinkley, Freja Leonard, Robert Patterson Workshop In a workshop section titled “Calls to Action”, climate activists and community organisers who have presented a video or an idea for the future will have the floor. Also there have been 25 questions prepared for all politicians. The answers, when returned, will be important leading up to the next election. The Melbourne Town Hall event is supported and promoted by Doctors for the Environment Australia and the Climate and Health Alliance in their recent newsletters. The September Letition is asking for real action on the doctor’s plea,“Do no harm, stop Middle Arm”. The United Nations have for years made the desperate cry for “No new fossil fuels”. Convenor of the organising committee is Robert Patterson, email: – Tel: 0414 328 230 → Event hashtag: #SteppingUpTogether → Tickets: On Eventbrite |
“Create genuine leaders prepared to act in the public interest“
“Mass community pressure is needed now to support them in breaking this suicidal impasse, create genuine leaders prepared to act in the public interest, and to seize the opportunity for Australia to take global leadership in promoting international climate mobilisation.”
~ Ian Dunlop
→ SBS – 2 September 2023:
After Australia’s warmest winter on record, the government approves more coal mining
The government’s decision to expand a coal mining project has appalled environmental groups, as Australia’s emissions rise and its climate targets slip further out of reach.
→ The Guardian – 2 September 2023:
Coalmine approvals in Australia this year could add 150m tonnes of CO2 to atmosphere
Expansion of metallurgical coalmine in Queensland will add 31m tonnes alone with activists accusing Albanese government of being reckless
→ The Saturday Paper – 2 September 2023:
Australia’s greenhouse emissions are still rising
“New figures show Australia has little chance of meeting its emissions targets. After a period of flatlining figures, the numbers are going up sharply.” By Mike Seccombe.
New analysis from the IMF estimates that annually Australia is still providing around US$47 billion (A$72.7 billion) in direct and indirect subsidies to fossil fuels.
Getting off fossil fuel takes a long time; long time in my book is more than one month. I know they have had years and decades, so not an excuse. But we are here and we still rely on them, including all the people participating in meetings or rallies.
An emergency response that takes a month and a bit is:
– Black out our cities at night time. Anything between 7pm and 7am every day of the week. Offices, shops, institutions and street lights.
– Reduce night time energy supply to IT by at least 50%
– Retire all glass fridges and vending machines and overall reduce refrigeration by at least 50%
– Build 50% smaller homes, with requirement for 60% space for vegetation on any block size
– Get rid of (Bunnings and Mitre 10) landfill in transit (LIT) products. No room for LIT products for a safe 2030
– Focus 100% on how to improve habitat on our land and climate looks after itself
We have to get demand down to a Sustainable Endpoint now. Replacing fossil fuel with renewables like for like is a band-aid and won’t get us to a Sustainable Endpoint fast enough.
We have to respond to an emergency with the “instead of” and not “in addition to”.
Best regards
Heidi Fog
Sustainability Consultant