The staggering accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged few is driving both social and ecological breakdown. It is in everybody’s interest to solve this problem.

The staggering accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged few is driving both social and ecological breakdown. It is in everybody’s interest to solve this problem.
A startling statistic emerges: for every 1,000 tonnes of fossil carbon burned, one human life is prematurely lost.
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 511 is Mark Carter, co-founder of Flight Free Australia.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 508 are Celia Leverton from Regen Agriculture Network Tasmania, and John Seed – a long time rainforest activist and deep ecology advocate.
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 462 is eco-military theorist Dr Liz Boulton, who centers climate and environmental issues as a primary security threat for Australia.
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 432 are Yaraan Couzens Bundle, who campaigns against the gas industry’s seismic blasting in the ocean, and Esteban Servat and Louise Wagner, both from Debt for Climate.
During the Nordic Rebellion on 21 to 29 August 2021, 129 people were arrested for their protests against the Norwegian oil extraction. The trials in Oslo are still ongoing and one of the accused is Jacob Oscarson. Here is his
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative? By Mark Hertsgaard Every person on Earth today is living in a crime scene. This crime
The unregulated climate-destruction is often called “a crime against humanity”, yet the silence of our courts has been a decade-long mystery. This is changing fast now as more and more climate rights activists come out of court chambers with their
Guest in The Sustainable Hour no 359 is professor Yin Paradies, who teaches race relations and indigenous studies at Deakin University.