Our guest of The Sustainable Hour is Luke Taylor, director of the National Sustainability Festival.

Our guest of The Sustainable Hour is Luke Taylor, director of the National Sustainability Festival.
Our society has been corrupted by greed, disinformation and abuse of power. What can we do about it? Sue Barrett has an idea.
Proposal to adopt the Danes’ term ’Den Grønne Omstilling’ as a unifying phrase for addressing the climate crisis.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 533, our last of 2024, are Kirsty Bishop-Fox and Costa Georgiadis.
Transforming the economic system to protect both nature and ourselves. Podcast episode with Dr Mark Diesendorf, Dr Geoff Davies, Dr Marilyn Waring and Dr Steven Hail.
A selection of songs we have aired in The Sustainable Hour during 2024, and our annual Anthem for the Climate Revolution
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 531 on 4 December 2024 is Jeff Allen, founder of Blue Moon Destillers.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 530 are architect Kevin Kennon in New York and climate activist Joe Zammit in Newcastle.
“The Coalition’s promotion of nuclear generation seems to have gained traction, but it’s outrageously incompetent – or deceptive.”
Our two guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 529 are energy expert Pat Simons and Olympian athlete Rhydian Cowley who talk about the importance of renewable energy.