An ‘open source’ fiction story about courage, community and change. Plus ChatGPT’s analysis of it.
Tag: behavioural change
Reuse, reduce, DANCE, recycle, repeat
In The Sustainable Hour no. 426, we welcome Mik Aidt back from his two weeks in Denmark. The tables are turned on him as he becomes our guest.
Bridging the us-and-them divide
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no 373 are Tesla-driving Daniel Bleakley and Dr Blanche Verlie, author of the new book ‘Learning To Live With Climate Change’.
The Climate Revolution: Find your role
This is the first of a series of episodes about finding your role in the climate revolution.
People power: We all have different pieces to the puzzle
Ryan Hagen’s and Crowdsourcing Sustainability’s theory of change.
Earth Day on the cusp
Guest in The Sustainable Hour no 359 is professor Yin Paradies, who teaches race relations and indigenous studies at Deakin University.
This is your moment in time
Guest in The Tunnel on 19 August 2020 – The Sustainable Hour no 328 – is Michelle Maloney, co-founder of the New Economy Network Australia.
Intensive learning programs online
Take your sustainability knowledge and practice to the next level with one of GreenLight’s online sustainability master classes.
Heidi Fog: Emergency call and solutions from Australia
Carbon consultant Heidi Fog’s 10 suggestions for doable ways to cut your own individual carbon footprint in half.
Margie Abbott: Cosmic sparks of light in The Tunnel
THE REGENERATIVE HOUR: Cosmic sparks of light in the tunnel. With Margie Abbott, author of ‘Cosmic Sparks’, Riya Sokol, creator of ‘Thank You Coronavirus’, Prince Ea and Sean McDonagh