
A continuously growing list of home pages, projects and media we have ‘bookmarked’ — which means: sites we consider important or relevant as far as carbon awareness and climate safety is concerned. Not an objective list.

→ Climate related knowledge-sharing sites
Climate awareness and campaign sites
Climate safety ideas worth promoting
→ Climate safety organisations
→ Climate safety science and online news
→ Climate safety bloggers
→ Climate safety paper magazines
→ Climate safety newsletters
→ Climate safety podcasts and radio
→ Climate safety tv
→ Climate related music
→ Climate related pages on Facebook
→ Climate related boards on Pinterest
→ Climate related books and reports – recommended reading


Knowledge-sharing is extremely important for any development. So why does the world not have one master database containing, filtering and benchmarking all the most brilliant ideas, ‘greenovations’ and positive changes happening around the world in the field of climate change and carbon reduction?

Why isn’t there a place — one place — on the Internet, for instance under the United Nations’ umbrella, where we can all see how each country is doing at any given moment when it comes to sustainability and renewables?

This would be a question to bodies such as the United Nations, G8, G20, EU, or other transnational bodies: Why haven’t you guys — with all your influence, money and abilities — started building up a user-friendly, global idea-database and a ‘Global Climate Safety Toolbox’ long ago?

None of those that we have been able to find so far are the kind of greenovation-‘killer app’ or ‘booster-rocket’ which the world so badly needs right now. Anyhow, it seems that things are on their way, according to the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) who gave this resumé from the meetings that had been held at COP19 in Warsaw in November 2013:

Climate Knowledge Brokers’ Group
“Set up in 2011, and with more than 50 online initiatives on board, the Climate Knowledge Brokers’ Group has made impressive strides in coordinating and orchestrating what previously had been isolated efforts. The panel at COP19 focused on four key challenges:

Really understanding user needs was first on the list. Anne Hammill presented the headlines from a recent IISD-led study involving a survey of more than 200 users from four different climate portals. The results provided a timely reminder how websites need to engage with  their users, and keep engaging, if they are to stay relevant.

Pointing users to the right knowledge platform was the second challenge, and Fatema Rajabali from IDS showcased the new Knowledge Navigator tool which is designed to address this head on.

Introduction video about the Knowledge Navigator

Connecting up knowledge platforms was next. Florian Bauer from REEEP showed how the new REEGLE tagging tool can help information sharing by ensuring web content is tagged consistently.

Avoiding reinventing the wheel was the final challenge. This is a strong tendency with new websites popping up every week and Jane Ebinger spoke of how her team at the World Bank had benefitted from a CKB “knowledge clinic” event in Washington last autumn as they developed plans for the new Platform on Climate Smart Planning.

The Climate Knowledge Brokers’ Group has achieved a lot in a short space of time, especially as it is still an informal network. It is filling an important gap in the online information market, with a number of new online initiatives approaching the Group for advice at the ideal moment, while they are still in the design phase. The REEGLE tagging API and Knowledge Navigator are being built in to several major new websites as a result.”

» Continue reading


Knowledge-sharing sites

Global SCP Clearinghouse

The Global SCP Clearinghouse is a unique one-stop hub dedicated to Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). Launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – which represents the United Nations’ environmental conscience – the Clearinghouse is a knowledge and cooperation platform for a sustainable future which aims at bringing together and expanding the Sustainable Consumption and Production community worldwide by collecting, disseminating and sharing initiatives, policies, tools and best practices, the latest news and events on Sustainable Consumption and Production – as well as cooperation opportunities in order to trigger more innovation and cooperation towards implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production around the world.
Within days of its pre-launch at a UNEP Governing Council meeting in February 2013, the Global SCP Clearinghouse recorded nearly 800 new members from more than 500 organisations based in about 100 different countries.
» Home page:

The Tree

‘The Tree – Content for Climate & Energy Communicators’ is a project dedicated to aggregating information and resources for individuals and groups engaged in public discourse on climate change and energy issues. ‘The Tree’ is a service provided by the Global Call for Climate Action (GCCA), a network of more than 400 nonprofit organizations.

The Tree Resources Library has indexed hundreds of alerts, photos, quick facts, and other resources. All resources have been placed under a Creative Commons 3.0 license, so you are free to use them for your publications. You can search for resources by type, topic and region.
» The Tree Resources Library:
» Home page:

Climate CoLab

In the Climate CoLab, you can work with people from all over the world to create proposals for what to do about climate change. The Climate CoLab is a project of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence in the U.S. in collaboration with many other organisations.
» Home page:

Planet Forward is a site which is “crowd-sourcing new ideas in sustainability”.
Most recent ideas
» Home page:

Tools for climate compatible development

Climate & Development Knowledge Network has assembled some key tools to assist you in finding the information you need to address a wide variety of climate compatible development challenges.

Knowledge Navigator – your guide to climate change platforms. The Knowledge Navigator is a categorised dataset of Climate Change platforms covering adaptation, mitigation and development. There is a search box on this page.
Knowledge Navigator tool

CDKN Roster of Experts is Climate & Development Knowledge Network’s web-based database of expert advisors and service providers on climate change and development issues. It contains the details of individuals and organisations with specific thematic expertise, competencies and country experience, who deliver services to developing countries. Search the Roster of Experts

REEGLE tagging tool makes it easier to publish online resources about the clean energy and climate by using automated tagging to identifying specific terms related to clean energy and climate issues. It also suggests related resources that may be of interest, making it easier to search for documents about energy and climate change. Use the Reegle API

» Tools page:

Innonatives – open platform for sustainability

“Collaborate for a better world”: “Innovate with the international community, propose your own projects to be funded and implemented, pose your problems and challenges to the platform to be solved, finance radical innovation projects for Sustainability. Join the team today!”

» Home page:


“Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.” Appropedia is a site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development through the use of sound principles and appropriate technology and the sharing of wisdom and project information. It is a wiki, a type of website which allows anyone to add, remove, or edit content. Registration is encouraged but not required for contributors.
It was started in 2006, and currently the site contains around 17,000 files. For instance, here is what is written on Global warming and on Taking action.

» Home page:


“Greenlivingpedia is a free resource for sharing information on green living, now and for the future. This is a wiki, so you can create and edit content to share information and collaborate with others on how we can lighten our footprint on the planet and live in harmony with nature and our environment. You can also publish original information in a protected article if you wish. Our goal is to provide an information resource that you can use and contribute to across a broad range of green living and community action topics. Articles about your project, your group and local community actions are welcome.”

» Home page:


“A movement for identifying and promoting the best clean energy technologies. The community-built resource that focuses on alternative, clean, practical, renewable energy solutions.”
PESWiki was founded in 2004. It is guided by the New Energy Congress, a network of 50+ energy professionals who are dedicated to clean energy technology advancement. More recently, a New Energy Systems Trust has been established to help incubate these technologies to market. As of March 2013, there are over 4,000 articles on free and renewable energy that anyone can edit.

» Home page:

Open Energy Info

“Gateway to the World’s Energy Information and Data”. “OpenEI continues to strive to be a global leader in open-data source for energy information — specifically analyses on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The platform is a Wiki, similar to Wikipedia’s Wiki, which many users are already familiar with. Users can view, edit, and add data — and download data for free.” Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy.

» Main page:

WIPO Green Database

WIPO GREEN is an interactive marketplace that promotes innovation and diffusion of green technologies.
The WIPO database and network can be used to connect with technology and service providers, or to advertise your needs.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched the database on 28 November 2013, providing innovative and green technologies to a wide variety of groups to improve global climate situation. The database is designed to accelerate innovation and diffusion of environmental-friendly technologies and contribute to the efforts of developing countries in addressing climate change. It also matches owners of new technologies with individuals or companies seeking to commercialize, license or otherwise distribute a green technology. With 35 partners worldwide involved, the freely-accessible database, reportedly having already gained around 1,000 uploads during a pilot and testing phase, offers a broad listing of green technology products, inventions and patents, services and intellectual property (IP) assets.


Solar and Wind Potentials Interactive Platforms

The Global Atlas is the largest ever initiative undertaken to assess renewable energy potential on a global scale. The Internet-based platform is designed to raise awareness of technology opportunities as well as help companies willing to invest in a new market.
It provides resource maps from leading technical institutes worldwide, and tools for evaluating the technical potential of renewable energies. It is hoped it could function as a catalyst for policy development and energy planning, and it can support investors in entering renewable energy markets. Currently the platform preliminary delivers results on wind and solar, but it will progressively include other renewable energy resources as well.
» Start page:

Knowledge Exchange on Sustainable Development

TERI, The Energy and Resources Institute, launched a webportal for ‘Knowledge x-change on Sustainable Development’, KxSD, on 31 January 2013, the first day of the World Sustainable Development Summit in Delhi.

Click to go to KxSD

The portal has been constructed with support from the government of United Kingdom – an Internet portal which can facilitate knowledge sharing across the many facets of sustainable development, showcase new research and innovative practices, share knowledge and success stories from diverse regions and sectors, and in this way create awareness among various stakeholders.

There is a high need for this kind of initiative, and hopefully TERI’s database can quickly become THE place to search for current knowledge, and grow to be known and used on a global scale. We only need one place on the planet where information is gathered, rather than five or ten competing sites. And ideally, it should be in Chinese as well. You’ll need to sign up and be approved as a member before you can begin to post your own knowledge, though. (Click on ‘Join us’).
» Home page:

Sustainability Disclosure Database

Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Disclosure Database is a global information resource for sustainability reporting, in one place. The Global Reporting Initiative is a non-profit organisation that promotes economic, environmental and social sustainability. The initiative provides all companies and organisations with a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world.
» Home page:

Clean Energy Portal is a content-rich clean energy portal run by Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership. It provides information from thousands of trusted sources and makes sense of it all with clear, concise presentation. The portal currently draws more than 220,000 visitors per month.

Listen to Martin Hiller, Director General of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) in Austria, explain about it here:

All data in the database are available free of charge for re-use by others. We found it interesting to check out the country-profiles of Denmark, India, and Australia.
» Home page:

Clean Energy Ministerial

The Clean Energy Ministerial is a global forum to share best practices and promote policies and programs that encourage and facilitate the transition to a global clean energy economy. Its initiatives help reduce emissions, improve energy security, provide energy access, and sustain economic growth.

» Home page:

Climate Technology Centre and Network

From the latest technical developments in renewable energy to innovative cropping techniques, the role of technology and research in tackling climate change in developing countries is the focus of a new facility which was (finally!) launched by the United Nations on 1 March 2013: The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) — which aims to speed up the transfer of climate-related technology and expertise to developing countries in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

» UNEP press release: About the launch

Education: Go Green

Edutopia’s Green Teacher’s Resources “shares evidence-based K-12 learning strategies that empower you to improve education.” — “Explore our ever-expanding trove of environmentally conscious teaching tools. Search for lesson plans, web sites, and educational resources by topic, grade level, cost, or location.”

» Start page:

Your healthy planet

An organisation which seeks to attract ten thousand healthy, green and sustainable individuals, businesses, clubs and organisations onto its Ethical Marketplace and open the first Living Learning Center.

» Home page:

Springwise Idea database

Springwise, a London-based independent innovation firm, scans the globe for the most promising new business ideas, and has a long list of entrepreneurial ideas from all over the world in the field of eco & sustainability. Almost every week, a new idea is filed here, for instance: a battery-free lamp powered by gravity.

» Start page:


The Green Register has a category for green innovations — ‘greenovations’ — subdivided in ‘business greenovations’, ‘energy saving greenovations’ and ‘home greenovations’:

» Start page:

Search on solar in Make Magazine — and browse through the hundreds of innovations and ideas in the field of solar powered devices. Make Magazine “has been the catalyst for a worldwide Maker Movement that is transforming innovation in industry, hands-on learning in education and the personal lives of makers of all ages.”

IISD Research Library

The International Institute for Sustainable Development in Canada is “connecting people to knowledge and ideas about sustainable development”. Appart from being a research library, they have a web-magazine, and an open, online Research Library Database.
For instance, click here to make a search in the database on Climate Change

» Home page:


Green Directories

One Green Earth is a global directory for a wide range of categories within the green sector, business as well as private. In this directory you can also add your own URL free of charge. »

Green Directory » Eco Blog List is an online green directory where you can add your own URL for a price of 25 US dollars. »

► The National Green Pages is “Green America’s Directory of Products and Services for People and the Planet. »

► The Green Business Directory is a directory with over 3,000 listings of where to do buy green or do green business, primarily in American. »

► The Green Directory in Canada has set their goal “to make Green Directory the the most informative site online to find guides, information, news, and resources about Green Businesses and Green Living” — but unfortunately for the rest of us, it is built for the Canadians only. When you make a search, you’ll be asked to type your Canadian city, province or postal code before you can proceed. »

Earth & Economy is a “business directory and environmental news featuring respectable organisations making positive environmental and social contributions to our world community.” »

► The Canadians also have Our Green Directory – an initiative created and managed by three communications professionals, The Communication Catalysts. »

► The Green Pro Directory in New York calls their directory ‘The Public’s Eco Resource Center’. In 2010 it reported to have over 50,000 green professionals, companies, organisations and resources located throughout the US. The initiative was started by “regular citizens that wanted to better practice environmental stewardship”. It seems to have slowed down their level of activity by now, though. »

The Only Green Directory looks a bit outdated, but does contain a good number of links. »

► The Go Green Directory is a human-edited web directory, built the same way as Yahoo started, but unfortunately seems to have stopped since 2011. »

Global Change Master Directory

Getting more scientific about the matter, NASA has developed the Global Change Master Directory which holds more than 28,000 Earth science data set and service descriptions within environmental sciences. The mission of the directory is to assist researchers, policy makers, and the public in the discovery of and access to data and information relevant to global change and Earth science research.



Climate Awareness and Solutions Sites

Reality Drop

An online tool called Reality Drop from Al Gore’s The Climate Reality Project built to spread the truth and destroy denial around climate change.

» Home page:

The World We Want web platform

A joint initiative between the United Nations and civil society, ‘The World We Want’ gathers the priorities of people from every corner of the world and help build a collective vision that will be used directly by the United Nations and world leaders to plan a new development agenda launching in 2015 — “one that is based on the aspirations of all citizens”.

» Home page:

Stop Climate Chaos Coalition

Stop Climate Chaos Coalition is allegedly the United Kingdom’s largest group of people dedicated to action on climate change and limiting its impact on the world’s poorest communities: “Our combined supporter base of more than 11 million people spans over 100 organisations, from environment and development charities to unions, faith and belief, community and women’s groups. We’re building a climate movement. Are you with us?”

» Home page:

10:10 – cutting carbon 10 percent a year

An ambitious project to unite every sector of society behind one simple idea: cutting our carbon by 10 percent a year, starting now.
“Any individual, family, business or organisation can make the cuts — and by working together we can make a real difference.”

» Home page:

Global Campaign for Climate Action

A global alliance of more than 270 non-profit organisations all over the world. The Global Campaign for Climate Action runs (ran? – not sure!) the TckTckTck campaign — ‘The Global Campaign for Climate Action’ — which “strengthens global civil society action to prevent catastrophic climate change, adapt to climate impacts and make the transition to a more sustainable and just world.” (From the website, it is not clear if the campaign is still running, or if it stopped in 2011.)

» Home page:

1 Million Women

“What if living better doesn’t have to be difficult? What if our everyday choices add up to a big difference for the planet and future generations? What if 1 million women were making it that simple? 1 Million Women launched in 2009 in Australia as a community of women determined to act on climate change.

» Home page:

Global Power Shift

“Global Power Shift will begin with an international climate leaders summit of mostly young people in Istanbul, Turkey, June 24-30, 2013. (…) Local groups will in turn educate the public about the realities and solutions to climate change, implement solutions projects and campaigns, and begin to recruit for mass global action leading into 2014 and 2015.”

» Home page:

Climate Change Guide

Laurent Cousineau in Montreal, Canada, built this website as a means to raise awareness on this issue and to build a community on climate change.

» Home page:

Peaceful Uprising

Peaceful Uprising is a nonprofit collective committed to action to combat the climate crisis and build a just, healthy world. The collective seeks to inspire citizens to recognise themselves as agents of change, and to build communities that empower and enable each of us to take effective, necessary nonviolent action.

» Home page:

Climate Solutions

Climate Solutions’ mission is “to accelerate practical and profitable solutions to global warming by galvanizing leadership, growing investment and bridging divides.” Since 1998, Climate Solutions has pioneered the vision and cultivated political leadership in the Northwest of USA for the proposition that clean energy and broadly-shared economic prosperity can go hand-in-hand. Through programmes like New Energy Cities, Business Leaders for Climate Solutions and Harvesting Clean Energy, Climate Solutions builds a constituency for local, regional and national action on climate and clean energy policies.
» Home page:


The Solutions Project

“It’s not enough to simply be against something.” The Solutions Project wants to use “science + business + culture to accelerate the transition to 100% renewable energy.”


» Mother Jones – 3 January 2013:
Mark Ruffalo Wants You to Imagine a 100 Percent Clean Energy Future
The celebrity activist isn’t just against fracking; he wants to turn the conversation to green solutions.

» Inquiring Minds –’s podcast on
Mark Ruffalo – Our 100 Percent Clean Energy Future
In this brilliant podcast, Mark Ruffalo talks about his vision for a clean energy future, what he’s doing about it, and how you can help. If you don’t have an hour to listen to this podcast, then start with listening to the three-and-a-half minutes from 31:15 to 34:45.

MOSAIC: Put Solar On It

– an exemplary toolbox concept by MOSAIC:
» Pledge and toolbox page:


Connect4Climate is a campaign, a coalition, and a community that cares about climate change. The goal of Connect4Climate is to create a participatory, open knowledge platform that engages the global community in climate change conversation to drive local action through advocacy, operational support, research, and capacity building.

» Home page:

Teens Turning Green

“We hope to empower and inspire youth everywhere to realize their potential, take action, and affect change. We strive to show how interconnected we, as young people of today’s world, are with the each other and the environment. Through initiatives like Project Green Challenge and Project Lunch, participants learn how to live and act sustainably, also encouraging schools and communities to do the same! We promote conscious decisions across the board.”.

» Home page:

Enviro Media Association

The Californian Enviro Media Association mobilises the entertainment industry in the US in an effort to educate people about environmental issues and inspire them into action. It is “a nonprofit organization dedicated to harnessing the power of the entertainment industry and the media to educate the global public on environmental issues and motivate sustainable lifestyles. Linking the power of celebrity to environmental awareness, EMA believes that through television, film and music, the entertainment community can affect change in a positive way.”

» Home page:

Take part

“A leading source of socially relevant news”.

» Home page:

The Green Guide

“The directory for planet-friendly living”.

» Home page:


Good climate safety ideas

– worth promoting

The Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent not-for-profit organisation working to drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by business and cities.

They provide a transformative global system for thousands of companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share environmental information. Their idea is that when provided with the necessary information, market forces can be a major cause of change. “Working with the world’s largest investors, businesses and governments, the Carbon Disclosure Project is uniquely positioned to catalyze action towards a more sustainable economy.”


500 largest companies asked
In 2012, Carbon Disclosure Project’s list of the world’s best companies in terms of climate change disclosure and performance shamefully revealed that large companies such as Apple and — shamefully — were ‘non-responders’ to the request for a report on their emissions. Generally, four out of five among the world’s 500 largest companies managed to reply.

» Here is an article about this.

Renewable energy payments

This video explains the meaning of ‘renewable energy payments’ — also known as ‘feed-in tariff’ or ‘clean contracts’ — and why it is an effective way of increasing the amount of renewable energy produced in a province, state or country.

According to Bill McKibben of, Germany is the only large economy that is taking the threat of climate change seriously, and according to The Green Word it is in particular the implementation of renewable energy payments that has helped Germany become one of the world leaders in renewable energy.

The mission of Alliance for Renewable Energy is to build support in North America for bold, proven, renewable energy policies that will rapidly increase our shift from fossil fuels to decentralised, clean, renewable energy.

» Home page:

Green Business Certification

“Customers want to buy from eco-friendly companies, so gain a competitive advantage by displaying the Green Business Bureau seal, the Green Business Certificate. Businesses that earn the certification also save on energy and material costs. Thousands of small business owners across America have joined this which also gives them access to an online sustainability tool that helps assess, manage and report on a library of 400-plus green initiatives.

» Home page:

Carbon Neutral Certification
In Australia, you can be certified as carbon neutral. Australia has Carbon Neutral Program — the only government backed carbon neutral program — which assures business, employeers, customers and shareholders of a company’s sustainability commitment.

» Home page:

Crowdfunding renewable energy

When governments can’t figure it out, individuals nowadays luckily have a new tool: crowdfunding.

In January 2013, an American company called Mosaic made a splash in the renewable energy world when it introduced a crowd-funding platform that makes it possible for small, non-accredited investors to earn interest financing clean energy projects.

When Mosaic posted its first four investments online — solar projects offering 4.5 percent returns to investors who could participate with loans as small as US$ 25 — the company’s co-founder, Billy Parish, thought it would take a month to raise the $313,000 required. Within 24 hours, 435 people had invested and the projects were sold out. The company had spent just $1,000 on marketing. All told, by 6 March Mosaic had raised $1.1 million for a dozen solar projects.

Crowdfunding-platform for solar projects in developing countries
Another group has set up a site which is equivalent to, called — a crowdfunding platform to finance off-grid solar projects in developing countries. It was chosen as winner of Facebook’s ‘Cleantech Goes Social Contest’ 2013.

» Home page:

The New York Times – 6 March 2013:
Crowdfunding Clean Energy

Mother Jones – 27 March 2013:
This Company Is Kickstarter for Solar Power
Oakland-based Mosaic figured out that pricy solar panels are much more affordable when the crowd chips in. By Kate Sheppard

Solar Schools is an innovative project to help schools crowdfund the cost of solar panels from their local community. » More at:
Renewable Energy World – 11 March 2013:
Crowdfunding Coming of Age in Cleantech
With early stage capital for cleantech innovation becoming increasingly scarce, crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo and a new crop of clean/green ones are beginning to emerge as significant sources of funding for selected next-gen clean technologies. By Dallas Kachan

A world you like with a climate you like

EU’s call for inspirational low-carbon project within the EU. The site has a map where you can “explore success stories from all over Europe”

» Home page:

One Great Idea

A video series that brings together the leading thinking and lessons learned in the world of corporate sustainability.

» Home page:

One person can

The One Person Can project is not affiliated with any particular environmental group or political party. It is for everyone.
It was initiated by Margaret Hender in Adelaide, Australia, who is also a chairman and spokesperson for CORENA, the Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia.

» Home page:

Keep Earth in business

1% for the Planet is a growing global movement of more than 1,000 companies that donate 1% of their sales to approved environmental causes carried out by a network of more than 3,000 approved environmental organisations worldwide.

» Home page:

Green gamification

Green gamification — the use of games to make sustainability fun and rewarding — is on the rise: “There’s actually some real, solid progress at the intersection of two of today’s most disruptive business forces: gamification and sustainability,” wrote Ashok Kamal in Venturebeat on 30 January 2013:

» Green Gamification: the apps, sites, and people that are going to save our planet – 19 March 2013:
The State of Green Business: Sustainability goes app crazy
As data increasingly spews from everything — buildings, vehicles, transit systems, cash registers and potentially every light fixture, switch, plug and machine — there’s a growing opportunity to capture it and make it useful for consumers and professionals. Some of it is making its way into apps. By Joel Makower


Sustainability- and energy-focused organisations


Organisations in The Guardian’s network

The British newspaper The Guardian has a network of around 30 content partners which are among the leading sustainability organisations in the world, running “The world’s best environment sites” — see the left column of this page:


With its headquarters in the US, founded by Bill McKibben (see video above), has grown to become a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis, led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organisers in over 188 countries.
“To preserve our planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 392 parts per million to below 350 ppm. Therefore the name:”
» Home page:

Global e-Sustainability Initiative

In collaboration with members from major Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies and organisations around the globe, the Global e-Sustainability Initiative is a leading source of impartial information, resources and best practices for achieving integrated social and environmental sustainability through ICT. The Global e-Sustainability Initiative supports member initiatives in both developed and developing nations to quickly and effectively respond to issues such as climate change, energy efficiency, e-waste management and resource efficiency, responsible supply chain practices and human rights. “Building a sustainable world through responsible, ICT-enabled transformation.”

» Home page:

“Communication technology has the potential to reduce emissions by 15 percent”
Smart 2020 report, written by the Climate Group on behalf of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative

The Guardian – 29 May 2013:
Communication is power: tackling the sustainability challenges of our time
Niall Dunne, BT’s chief sustainability officer, explains why communication technology can play a significant role in tackling global sustainability challenges

The International Energy Agency

IEA is the world’s top energy think tank. It is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond. It is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing authoritative and unbiased research, statistics, analysis and recommendations.

» Home page:

Global Energy Network Institute

The Global Energy Network Institute GENI is an international non-government non-profit volunteer organisation accredited with the United Nations and affiliated throughout the world. GENI researches and disseminates information on the relationships between population, development, the environment and energy issues and promotes a practical solution to the world’s most pressing problems through the global interconnection of renewable resource energy.
GENI’s vision is to accelerate the realisation of optimal, ecological sustainable energy solutions in the shortest possible time for peace, health and prosperity for all.

» Home page:
» Facebook page:

Global Green

Working to stem climate change, build a more sustainable future and help the communities, people, and planet in crisis with green projects and initiatives. Based in California, USA.

» Home page:

Carbon War Room

“Carbon War Room focuses on the market barriers that reinforce the status quo and prevent capital from flowing to sustainable solutions with compelling returns. Often, strong policy is a necessary but insufficient condition, and technology is not the bottleneck: Capital has to flow to solutions in a well-functioning market-place. Our vision is a world where over $1trillion invested in climate change solutions is an annual occurrence, not a historic milestone. We seek to accelerate profitable, entrepreneurial solutions that reduce carbon emissions at gigaton level.”

» Home page:


R20 will show that 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions reductions needed by 2020 to limit the increase in world average temperature to 2 degrees Celsius can be achieved at no net cost. Arnold Schwarzenegger is R20’s founding chair.

» Home page:

Echoing Green

“Unleashing your talent to solve the world’s biggest problems”. Since 1987 and with head quarters in New York, USA, Echoing Green has provided more than 500 promising social entrepreneurs working in over forty countries with $31 million in start-up funding…

» Home page:

The Global Alliance for 100% Renewable Energy

At a conference in San Francisco on 17 April 2013, the alliance launched a new international campaign that seeks to build political will among a critical mass of decision makers and set a required goal of 100% renewable energies. Among the founding partners of the new alliance are the World Future Council, Renewables 100 Policy Institute, World Wind Energy Association, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, DeENet, World Bioenergy Association and ISES.

» Home page:


Citizens Climate Lobby

Citizens Climate Lobby is a relatively new, fastgrowing, nonpartisan, nonprofit group with 91 chapters across the United States and Canada. “If you want to join the fight to save the planet, to save creation for your grandchildren, there is no more effective step you could take than becoming an active member of this group,” Dr. James Hansen has said. “I think they’ve moved the needle on this issue,” said Bob Inglis, a South Carolina Republican.
“With a staff of 9 and about 700 active volunteers, the C.C.L. reports that in 2012 it conducted 534 meetings with members of Congress or the Canadian Parliament or their staffs; met with 24 newspaper editorial boards; published 537 letters to the editor; and directly prompted or placed 174 editorials, op-eds or articles, all focusing on this policy. In 2013, the group is on track to double or triple its outreach,” wrote the New York Times.

» Home page:


Beyond Zero Emissions

Australia’s leading solutions-focused climate change research and education organisation.
» Home page:


Climate Council

The Climate Council (previously ‘The Climate Institute’) is an independent research organisation established in 2005 by Australia’s government, based in Sydney, Australia. Today it is an independent body since the Abbott government wanted to shut it down when it came to power in 2013. The council is a reliable source of information about the science of climate change, the international action being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the economics of a carbon price. Working across sectors and disciplines with a positive and pragmatic approach, The Climate Council draws attention to critical issues and fosters the understanding and support necessary for the transition to a zero-carbon Australia.

» Home page:


The Climate Group

Founded in 2004 and based in London, The Climate Group works internationally with a coalition of companies, states, regions, cities and public figures as an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to inspire and catalyze leadership for a Clean Revolution: a low carbon future that is smarter, better and more prosperous — for all. Coordinated by The Climate Group, ‘The Clean Revolution’ is a partnership of international statesmen and governments, business leaders and corporations, thinkers and opinion formers.
» Home page:


Klimabevægelsen i Danmark (The Climate Movement in Denmark)

The Climate Movement in Denmark is a broad, popular movement which fights against global warming, and works for a serious climate policy in Denmark and internationally. The movement is independent of party politics.

» Home page:

Environmental Media Association

The Environmental Media Association is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to harnessing the power of the entertainment industry and the media to educate the global public on environmental issues.

» Home page:


Sustainability Science and Online News

The Guardian

The British newspaper The Guardian is a world-leading source for news about climate change. Personally, one of my favourites. The Guardian aims “to minimise our digital footprint while also maximising accessibility and reader experience, improving operational resilience and supporting commercial growth.”
Its environment-section highlights environment news, comment and discussion on key green, environmental and climate change issues from the Guardian.
» Climate Change:
» Environment:
» Sustainability:

Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief reports on the latest developments in climate science, and fact-checks stories about climate and energy online and in the press, from a UK point of view. They have funding and support provided by the European Climate Foundation.

» Home page:

The Climate Desk

The Climate Desk is a journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate. The partners are The Atlantic, Center for Investigative Reporting, The Guardian, Grist, Mother Jones, Slate, Wired, and PBS’s public-affairs show Need To Know.

» Home page:

Climate News Network

“A free, ready-to-use factual service that brings you the latest news of climate change science.” Climate News Network is a news service led by four veteran British environmental reporters and broadcasters. They help both scientists and journalists to overcome the difficulties they face in reporting the vital facts about climate change.
The network delivers news and commentary about climate change for free to media outlets worldwide.

» Home page:

InsideClimate News

InsideClimate News received the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in the US.
» Home page:

Renewable Energy World

This online enterprise calls themselves nothing less than: “World’s #1 renewable energy network for news & information. Perhaps the single most recognized and trusted source for Renewable Energy News and Information on the Internet.”
I subscribe to their newsletter, and its true, they are recommendable, in particular within the field of business, renewables and sustainability.
» Home page:

Fresh Updates from the Green Energy Revolution

In the framework of, ‘Fresh Updates from the Green Energy Revolution’ gives you an alternative view of the news stream on the Internet.

» Home page:
» Learn how to quickly set up your own Paper

Get prismatic

A similar news service is which you can set up to deliver you current news about green energy, renewables, and climate change (works best if a good part of your twitter connection are focused within this field, and you connect prismatic with twitter).

» Home page:

InsideClimate News

“InsideClimate News is an award-winning, non-profit, non-partisan news organization that covers clean energy, carbon energy, nuclear energy and environmental science—plus the territory in between where law, policy and public opinion are shaped.”

» Home page:

Discovery – on Global Warming

Once a week or so, Discovery Communications — “the number-one nonfiction media company” — run a story on global warming. They are usually worth checking out.

» Theme page:

Also, I’d recommend you run through their articles on the topic of Alternative Power Sources.

The Energy Collective is a leading aggregator of international energy experts, supposedly “The world’s best thinkers on energy & climate”, and a platform where online conversations about energy policy and climate change are led by these experts. Sponsored by Siemens and Shell, the site is run by Social Media Today — an online business-to-business community that “connect large organisations with people they want to influence”.

They also run about urban planning, design and sustainability, and about Corporate Social Responsibility.

HuffPost Green

“Latest environment and energy news, green-IY projects, animal stories and more”…

» Website:


Sustainability bloggers

We’ve been meeting a number of ‘sustainability bloggers’, and we’ve been brainstorming on some ideas whether it would be an idea to create a kind of network of independent ‘sustainability bloggers’ from around the world who once in a while could meet at festivals and conferences, maybe create some kind of a ‘superblog’ – or simply link up with each other via online videoconference/hangouts, in order to get inspiration from each other, share knowledge, and to strengthen the outreach of our work.

On, we have started an informal network of freelance journalists and bloggers who write about sustainability, climate change and carbon emissions, ‘Bloggers for Climate Safety’.

Below follows a very unfinished list of independent sustainability bloggers from around the globe.

Blind Carbon Copy

Blog about climate change, socialist ideas, activism and sustainability.
“My writing is based on my involvement in movements for social change.”

Ben CourticeBen Courtice
· Melbourne, Australia
Media co-ordinator at Beyond Zero Emissions, climate justice activist
Twitter: @bencourtice

Climatechange Commissioner

Climate Change will make our country better. Because it’s our only choice.

Yeb SanoYeb Sano
· Manila, Philippines
environmentalist; philosopher; father; nature lover; peace activist; revolutionary
Twitter: @yebsano

Easy Ways to Go Green

Click to go to easywaystogogreen.comA green blog dedicated to providing you with practical, helpful information on living a greener life.
“Bringing you the latest, most complete, thorough and honest investigation into what is means and how best to bring eco-consciousness and total wellness into your life in daily practice. Online since April of 2008 and still going strong.”

matty-byloos-100Matty Byloos
· California, USA
Blogger, writer, artist. More info

Graham Readfearn – Planet Oz

‘Sustainability, climate change, environment, coffee and stuff. Graham Readfearn is an Australia-based journalist who writes about the environment, climate change, energy and the role of lobbying and denial in the planet’s future.

Click to go to readfearn.comGraham Readfearn
· Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
blogger and journo
Twitter: @readfearn

Linking Sustainability

Creating Positive Impact of Sustainability in Business World

Pankaj AroraPankaj Arora
· New Delhi, India
Blogger on Business sustainability & Life’s frivolities!
Twitter: @pank_arora

Centre for Climate Safety

This website originally started out as Mik Aidt’s kind of personal, digital notebook about carbon emissions, carbon awareness and climate change issues, problems and solutions. More people are collaborating and contributing today, still in the same spirit as a blog.
The first motto of this blog was: ‘Everything Begins With Awareness’

Mik AidtMik Aidt
· Geelong, Australia
Journalist, communication consultant, climate change blogger, father. More info
Twitter: @mikaidt

Read the Science

“Beat the spin; Read the Science”. The who – what – when – where – how of current climate research.

Amy Huva: Read the ScienceAmy Huva
· Vancouver, Canada
An environmental chemist and sports fanatic from Melbourne, Australia. Works in the environmental industry in Vancouver and blogs regularly for CarbonTalks.
Twitter: @AmyHuva

Sustainability Leaders Blog

Sustainability Leaders connects sustainable tourism thinkers, shakers and doers. It offers sustainability insights, case studies and examples of environmental leadership and best practice in travel and tourism, including climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives at hotels, resorts, tours and destinations.
FlorianFlorian Kaefer, PhD
· Wellington, New Zealand
Researcher, Writer, Advisor
Twitter: @SustLeaders

» Sustainability Leaders on Facebook

Tales of a finite planet

Reflections on living a sustainable life in a finite planet
HernanDeAngelisHernán De Angelis
· Stockholm, Sweden
Earth scientist, educator, writer

The Green Word

News, information and opinions about environmental issues from Canada and around the world.
“The Green Word is my way of sharing information about environmental issues.”

The Green WordJocelyn Plourde
· Prince Edward Island, Canada
Working on a Masters degree in Public Policy and Climate change adaptation. High school science and math teacher.


Climate Consensus – the 97%

John Abraham is a professor of thermal sciences and Dana Nuccitelli is an environmental scientist. They write about climate science and scepticism.

Southern crossroads

Alexander White is a campaigner and writer who blogs on environmental issues in Australia, with a particular focus on climate politics and campaigning.

icon_small-arrow_RIGHT  From a list of 800 environment bloggers, the British paper The Guardian has selected 10 who they call The world’s best environment bloggers – and they are now part of The Guardian’s environment blogs.

The top ten finalists in the UNEP World Environment Day 2013 Blogging Competition:

Bri Johnstone is a project coordinator and a student of communication design. Her interests are education, sustainability, simple and healthy living, and integrating design into business solutions.

Antonio Pasolini is a blogger, journalist, writer and film curator. He has been blogging about green issues since 2007. He writes to raise awareness about environmental issues.
» Blog:

Charles Immanuel Akhimien is a newly graduated medical doctor who is passionate about the environment. In addition, he writes for various environment and human rights blogs and volunteers for non-profit organizations.

Deja Dragovic is a freelance writer, minimalist, vegan and cyclist. Originally from Montenegro, she has lived, studied and worked in many countries and speaks 7 languages.

Elizabeth Bold is a blogger, businesswoman and mother. Elizabeth has been a passionate environmentalist since the age of ten. She blogs about current environmental issues as well as about her attempts at living sustainably.

Heidi Beckwith is a high school teacher who has long had an affinity for nature and desire to be a good steward of these things.  A little over a year ago, she stumbled upon permaculture as a way to not just be sustainable, but also to heal the problem areas of the planet.

Inka Leisma loves to blog about eco-fashion, books, Finnish nature, cycling and recycling, and different aspects of society. For a living, she works in communications for a Finnish governmental agency.

Rajani Mani is a writer, documentary filmmaker and prolific doodler. She is very passionate about people’s mobilization and environmental action. As a filmmaker, she has attempted to tell stories that provoke and engage viewers in discussion and action.

Stefanie Neidenberg isn’t afraid to eat her vegetables! She waits at a cafe in her city and can also be found volunteering for things she believes in like equine riding therapy and wilderness protection.

Ty Schmidt is a father of two boys, physical therapist and chief pile turner at Carter’s Compost. He enjoys riding bikes, working in the garden, living simply, and learning something new every day.

» More about the blogger competition:

» blogshowdown

icon_small-arrow_RIGHT Here is a list of 80 more blogs

icon_small-arrow_RIGHT The One Green Earth Directory lists these 10 blogs.



What If We Change

I like the slogan of this web-magazine: “Let’s fix this earth”.
“Stories of hope on the future of our planet”. Produced in Holland.
» Home page:

Green Lifestyle

“Practical, positive and focused on solutions you can trust”. Produced in Sydney, Australia.
» Home page

Green life

“India’s first mainstream green lifestyle magazine”. Produced in Delhi, India.
» Home page:

Green life magazine - click to go to Facebook page

Green Magazine

About “sustainable archtecture and landscape design”. Produced in Sydney, Australia. If you subscribe to the digital version for one year you all receive access to all 27 back issues plus the six new issues.
» Home page:

Nature – Climate Change

Nature Climate Change is a monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the science of climate change, its impacts and wider implications for the economy, society and policy.
» Home page:

icon_small-arrow_RIGHT Almost 20 different green magazines are listed in the One Green Earth Directory

icon_small-arrow_RIGHT List of magazines on renewable energy:


Newsletters Daily Briefing

Top stories and ‘talk of the town’ from Facebook and Twitter delivered to your inbox as a newsletter. If your Twitter and Facebook friends and activities reflect your interest in climate change and sustainability, then it is a very good idea to subscribe to Daily Briefing, which will then send you the most popular stories currently circulating in these two social media platforms within this topic. A very useful and recommendable tool to stay in tune with the ‘buzz’ on social media.
» Subscribe:

InsideClimate News

InsideClimate News won of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting and is one of the biggest environmental newsrooms in the U.S. — non-profit, non partisan and aiming to come to full scale.
» Subscribe:


I can recommend subscribing to GreenBuzz which is published by A daily newsletter, delivered every weekday morning, with daily updates of breaking news, insights from Joel Makower, and special sections for Technology, Buildings and Facilities, Energy and Carbon tools, and more.
» Subscribe:

Think Progress

You can subscribe to ‘email alerts’, e-mail updates on progressive ideas and policies, from the ThinkProgress team, as well as the daily Progress Report, a review of the reality behind the news from the ThinkProgress team at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and the weekly InProgress, resource guide to current and upcoming reports, events, and news analysis from the Center for American Progress.
» Subscribe:

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

The English edition of the newsletter from Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy keeps you up to date on upcoming events, new studies and much more activities of the Wuppertal Institute, and tells you about European and German projects you don’t hear about anywhere else in the news stream. It is published about once a month.
» Subscribe:

Renewable Energy World’s e-newsletters

Renewable Energy World covers all renewable energy technologies: 
Solar Energy – Wind Power – Geothermal – Hydropower – Hydrogen – Bio Energy – Ocean Energy – Green Power – and other emerging renewable energy technologies. More than 100,000 readers strong, their range of free e-newsletters are a good choice for anyone interested in renewable energy.
» Subscribe:

Cockatoo Chronicles

Author Paul Gilding’s newsletter Cockatoo Chronicles. You’ll find the subscribe button in the right column.
» Subscribe:



TV: Climate Change TV

Climate Change TV, Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) — latest videos

TV: Sustainability Television

Sustainability News &amp Entertainment Radio

Climate Change TV

Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) is a non-governmental organisation and an official observer to the United Nations climate change negotiations dedicated to raising awareness about climate change issues. RTCC also officially supports the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in its outreach programme through Climate Change TV, the world’s first online video broadcaster dedicated entirely to climate change issues.

Climate Change channels on

Global Climate News
Responding to Climate Change
The Climate Commission
The Climate Institute

→ Climate safety podcasts and radio


» Read the current #ClimateSecurity news-thread on Twitter.




Environmental climate pages such as

‘Green’ pages such as

Solar and cleantech companies such as

» Geelong Sustainability’s Facebook Group

» Geelong Climate Action Network

» Transition Town South Barwon

» Barwon Heads Sustainability Group

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Darebin Climate Action Now – Facebook group:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Climate action and environmental sustainability pages such as:

» Climate Change (Australia) – Facebook group:


Climate and art


» Aussies Against Fracking – Facebook Group:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





NB: The above list of Facebook pages is only a small fraction of what is out there. But this might get you started.


Sustainability and Climate on Pinterest


pinterest_climatechange278Climate Central boards:
Ice, Ice Baby
Climate Central Videos
Climate Change in the News

Alliance for Climate Education boards:
Climate news
Read, watch, and learn
Green at home
Green design for all
Inspiring activists
Protect our planet!
All Things Green
Sustainable Community
Putting the art in earth
Climate cartoons
Quotes & jokes

Centre for Climate Safety boards:

Greenovation and Solutions
Carbon reduction tips
100% Renewable Energy
Pathway to a decarbonised world
Green Cities
Sustainable Business Practices
Climate Change Optimism
Climate Change Activism
Must-see Climate Change Videos
Climate Change Videos
Climate Change Talk
Renewable Energy
Climate Change Art
Climate Change Music
Climate Change Posters
Climate Change and Food
Climate Change and Faith
Climate Change and Children
Climate Change and Youth
Climate Change Crisis
Big Oil
Climate Change Denial
Carbon World War
Climate Change Humour
Planet Earth



► Tracy Walker: NO Fracking Way!!

► Laura Lee Dooley: Climate Change Impacts

► Chrom Solutions: Climate Change

► Raptor Enthusiast: Climate Change

► fjcamarena: Climate Change

► Moms Clean Air Force: Climate Change

► Green Divas:  Green Divas

Many many more boards with this title: Climate Change



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