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The Sustainable Hour no. 462 | Podcast notes
“The science is clear. The world is in a state of climate emergency, and we need to shift into emergency gear.”
~ United Nations
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour on 7 June 2023 is eco-military theorist Dr Liz Boulton, who centers climate and environmental issues as a primary security threat for Australia. She is currently a research affiliate at the Oxford University’s Climate and Insecurity Project.
Calling out our armed forces for not focussing on a proactive response to the climate crisis we face has taken its toll on Liz. Like any “whistleblower”, people who don’t want things to change are keen to shut voices such as Liz’s down. She calls for support to counteract this, and during the interview Liz gives us some guidance on how this can be done.
Liz’s concept for how to enact a large-scale climate and ecological emergency response is called Plan E, for Plan Earth. It was published by the US Marine Corps University Press in 2022, and we talked with Liz about it in July 2022 in The Sustainable Hour no. 421.
Liz talks about the results from war-gaming Plan E with ASEAN post-graduate students at the Australian National University in April 2023 – an event which gained media coverage with a lengthy article by News Corp media.
Liz also discusses narrative control in Australian security policy. She calls it ‘The Narrative Battle’. Since Plan E was published, there has been keen interest from U.S. and United Kingdom institutions. In Australia however – although good-willed individuals have created some opportunities – overall 2022 saw ardent efforts to silence the Plan E concept, Liz says. Her plan has allegedly been deemed controversial as it includes the fossil fuel industry in its threat analysis because they are causing harmful climate effects.
All key formal Australian climate policy groups such as the Climate Council, the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, the Australian Climate Security Leaders Group and the various Women, Peace and Security groups as well as most mainstream media have turned their backs on it.
Liz suspects powerful groups with vested interest have to some extent appropriated or infiltrated these key policy bodies. In frustration, late last year she self-published a small book of poems called ‘Cancelled Woman‘. She has also written on female veteran suicide.
Liz will speak for 10 minutes at an upcoming peace rally in Geelong, prior to the film screening of David Bradbury’s film “The Road to War”, see details of this event and links to Plan E below.
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The words REVOLUTION and REVOLUTIONARY figure prominently at the start of today’s show. Firstly in a brief clip from the former head of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. It’s “Time to generate a clean energy revolution,” he told the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland in 2011. “It may sound strange to speak of revolution,” he said. “But that is what we need at this time. We need a revolution. Revolutionary thinking. Revolutionary action. A free market revolution for global sustainability.”
Mik Aidt picks up on this theme as he refers to information about how much Europeans have saved billions and billions of dollars by building new renewable energy sources, compared to what is happening here in Australia, where millions of dollars are currently being spent on creating so-called ‘public awareness’ about the lie that “Gas is key to Australia’s cleaner energy future.”
Mik also refers to areas in Australia that would be unliveable because of increased temperatures, and the likelihood of global food shortage as the climate crisis unfolds.
We play a short clip with Arnold Swarzenegger who was interviewed by BBC’s Laura K and explains why people are angry with their governments. “We need leadership, and we need people to come together,” he says.
This leads to a mention of new reports about The Tyre Extinguishers – a group which wants to ‘inconvenience SUV owners’ by deflating 4×4 tyres in major cities in Australia. Their goal is to rid the roads of these “massive and unnecessary” vehicles.
We eventually walk out of the Hour with a short excerpt from Missy Higgin‘s song ‘The Difference’.
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Colin Mockett OAM‘s Global Outlook begins this week in France, where two of the most popular tv-channels have dramatically changed how they report the French weather. Since weather is a staple of news coverage the world over, this is an innovation that is likely to move around the world.
There, the public tv-channels France 2 and France 3 now present a nightly “weather-and-climate report complete with a sparkling new studio and a logo that joins the words meteo — French for weather report — and climate.
Viewers still see plenty of maps dotted with temperature numbers and snazzy graphics, while stylish female presenter, Anaïs Baydemir, still talks about how hot or cold it will be in Paris, Marseille, and other parts of the country, and how likely it is to rain. But it’s now presented in the context of climate change; viewers hear about how the weather they are experiencing may be affected by the overheating of the planet.
The goal is to “not just to say, ‘It will be sunny tomorrow or it will rain,’ but to explain why,” Alexandre Kara, the editor-in-chief of France Télévision, said “Viewers are left in no doubt that global warming is man-made and caused mainly by burning fossil fuels; indeed, they can observe the inexorable rise in average global temperature on screen in real time.”
France Télévisions is changing not only how it presents climate news but also how it goes about covering news in general. Except in cases of urgent breaking news, France Télévisions journalists will no longer travel by plane or helicopter to report on events inside France. They’ll look for local people or get their journalists to take the train.
To Norway where, of the 13,342 new vehicles sold in Norway in May 2023, 10 773 (80.7%) were fully electric BEV passenger vehicles, 703 (5.3%) were plug-in hybrids and 725 (5.4%) were new zero-emission vans. Another 399 (3%) were non-plug-in hybrids. Just 435 (3.3%) cars fuelled only by petrol or diesel were sold. Because of this, new data shows that Norway’s average new vehicle CO2 emissions dropped to just 16 g/km in May. Vehicle emissions in Australia last year were ten times that amount at 164 g/km.
Still in Scandinavia, the local airline, SAS – Scandinavian Airlines System – this week sold the first tickets on an all-electric commercial flight between Sweden, Norway and Denmark. There were 30 seats available on three scheduled flights which are to take off in 2028. Ticket prices were 1,946 kroner, which recognises that SAS began in 1946 – and all the seats sold within three days. The flight offer was really an effective way of advertising that SAS has set the goal of being net-zero emissions by 2050.
Now to Paris where the International Energy Agency this week published its annual report on global investment in energy, where it tallies up all the cash that’s spent on producing energy. It follows the old journalism maxim that in order to find the truth – you follow the money. They did, and found that last year the world saw about $2.8 trillion of investments in energy, with about $1.7 trillion of that going into clean energy.
That’s the biggest single-year investment in clean energy ever, and the first time that clean energy has outspent fossil-fuels. And where that money is going is pretty interesting. First, the good news: In 2022, for every dollar spent on fossil fuels, $1.70 went to clean energy. Just five years ago, it was dead even. Clean energy’s growing dominance is especially clear when it comes to solar power.
This year, in 2023, for the first time, investment in solar energy is expected to beat out investment in oil production. This is a stark difference from what the picture looked like a decade ago, when oil spending outpaced solar spending by nearly six to one. But the big money is going into power storage: batteries.
Battery storage investment is set to double between 2022 and 2023. All that new money could change everything, and there are already big shifts in the battery industry because of it. Hardly a week goes by without an announcement of a new battery factory somewhere. And if all the proposals take shape, we’re going to reach nearly seven terawatt-hours of manufacturing capacity for lithium-ion batteries in 2030. That’s enough for over 100 million EVs annually. Most of it’s going to be in China, but the US and Europe are starting to rival that country, and we’re beginning to get a clearer shape of how energy will be created, sold and used in the future.
And it’s looking very good for just about every developed nation, even Australia, despite our slow start and addiction to fossil-fuels. There’s also a huge geographical imbalance, and poorer countries are going to need a significant boost to help build up their electrical grids and establish new technologies. But the signs are there that the United Nations will be behind this push and the clean-energy reorganisation has the potential to address historical inequalities. And on that promising note we end our global roundup for this week.
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We at The Sustainable Hour will do everything we can to help Plan E gain traction in the transition away from fossil fuels to clean, job-rich renewable energy sources and to a long-term future which is not just survivable but secure and in balance with life and resources on Earth. This journey will demand everlasting vigilance. We encourage you to find the time to click on the links below about Liz Boulton’s work – and develop a response to it. Could it lead us to a safer, more just, inclusive, peaceful and healthy world? We believe it could play a major role in the climate revolution.
That’s it for this week. We’ll be back next week with more ideas on how to become part of the solution. Once again today we have been reminded that democracy is not a spectator sport. Don’t be a ‘silenced voice’. Dare to be the difference.
“There are no ends to the sort of solutions people would come up with. One potential idea could be on Fridays are devoted to… every company, every school, every person Fridays are devoted to planet care. So every company would engage in activities and whatever they had to do for the transition. So that makes it manageable that four-day week idea. There’s no end to the solutions if we give people the reins and the mission: We are going to save this planet. We are not going to let Earth become a tip.”
~ Dr Elizabeth Boulton, eco-military strategist and creator of Plan E
→ Subscribe to The Sustainable Hour podcast via Apple Podcasts or Stitcher
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We at The Sustainable Hour would like to pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we
are broadcasting, the Wathaurong People, and pay our respect to their elders, past, present and future.
The traditional owners lived in harmony with the land. They nurtured it and thrived in often harsh conditions for millennia before they were invaded. Their land was then stolen from them – it wasn’t ceded. It is becoming more and more obvious that, if we are to survive the climate emergency we are facing, we have much to learn from their land management practices.
Our battle for climate justice won’t be won until our First Nations brothers and sisters have their true justice. When we talk about the future, it means extending our respect to those children not yet born, the generations of the future – remembering the old saying that, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.”
The decisions currently being made around Australia to ignore the climate emergency are being made by those who won’t be around by the time the worst effects hit home. How disrespectful and unfair is that?

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“Scientific experts from across the board are sending such a clear message: STOP IT. And it worries me a lot that we are not understanding that message.”
~ Celeste Saulo, incoming head of the United Nations’ weather and climate agency
“We no longer need to burn stuff, so we should stop.”
~ Bill McKibben
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· PLAN E Theory (Why)
· PLAN E Practical (How)
· PLAN E South East Asia war-gaming activity news article
· Dr Liz Boulton’s website: Destination Safe Earth
· ‘Cancelled Woman’ review, book, e-book
· Films referred to in the interview:
Ready Player One – trailer
Mad Max – trailer
→ News Corp – 22 April 2023:
Terrifying ‘hyperthreat’ coming for Australia as El Nino chance rises
“Australia is no stranger to this danger – in fact, it’s almost become normal – but the brutal reality of what it signals is terrifying.”
Rally and film screening in Geelong on Wednesday 28 June 2023
The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) is hosting the following two events on Wednesday 28th of June 2023:
IPAN’s rally
Outside Richard Marles’ old office at 17A Yarra St, Geelong, at 4pm to 5pm
RSVP: Facebook invite
• The Geelong Climate Choir
• The One Minute Rant (open mic)
• Colourful banners & placards, singing, chanting & fun!
• Speakers: David Bradbury, film director of ‘The Road to War’ and Dr Liz Boulton, climate-security expert
Following the rally: March to Geelong Trades Hall for drinks, dinner and screening of The Road to War followed by Q&A
At 6:30pm: Screening of David Bradbury’s film “The Road to War”
127 Myers Street, Geelong
Doors open 6:30 for 7:00pm screening
Tickets: Unwaged $10, Waged $15
→ See the trailer on Youtube.com
→ Facebook Event Page – Greenleft article
→ A Reuters Special Report – 3 June 2023:
Replanting the Amazon could help save the world’s climate. Here’s why it’s so hard to do
“Restoring decimated portions of Brazil’s rainforest has largely fallen to nonprofits. They’re battling illegal land-grabbers, tight budgets, botanical mysteries – and the ticking clock.”
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The Tyre Extinguishers
→ News.com.au – 30 May 2023:
Radical climate activists pushing to ‘inconvenience SUV owners’ by deflating 4×4 tyres in major cities
“Dodge Rams, Ford Raptors, Silverados – they’re everywhere in Australia’s cities. One group has taken it upon itself to fight fire with fire.”
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Mayors for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
A growing numbers of mayors worldwide are calling for this treaty. Ask the mayor of your city council whether he or she has signed it yet. → Read more here: https://fossilfueltreaty.org/mayors-declaration
Join the wave of organisations pledging to avoid fossil fuel sponsorships.

Help get electric cars and trucks on the radar of every company with large fleets

→ Send an email to Violette Snow at Greenpeace
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Source: Council on Foreign Relations
The green struggle
If climate policies meant votes, you’d expect to see green rulers around the world. Instead, they’re just a rounding error. They don’t rule outright anywhere, and even at their most successful in Europe, they only form part of a few governing coalitions. In Germany, where Greens have held more power for longer than elsewhere, the Green Party is struggling to push through climate policies such as a ban on gas cars a decade off, reports Al Jazeera. In the US, despite some wins locally, no green party member has ever been elected to any federal office.
→ Read more
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The Australian climate war continues
GetUp! wrote in their newsletter on 6 June 2023: Have you seen the propaganda yet? The gas lobby just launched their massive new advertising campaign to fight climate action. We won’t repeat the propaganda here, but you can imagine the kinds of things those standing to financially benefit from climate-wrecking gas are forcing onto our TV screens, radio airwaves, and social media feeds. But the science is clear – a future with gas destroys water, cultural heritage, health, and our climate. That’s a future we can’t afford. Multi-million dollar advertising campaigns like this are just the tip of the iceberg. The gas lobby – in the form of APPEA – has tendrils reaching deep within our democracy. Some we know about, and some we can only imagine. The lack of ambition across all levels of government to break up with gas and ensure a safe and liveable future for all of us is no coincidence. APPEA is blocking the progress we all deserve. That’s why hundreds of GetUp members recently chipped in to commission expert researchers with the skills to reveal the extent of APPEA’s infuence — and make it politically toxic for our elected representatives to be seen pandering to any of their whims. But with their advertising campaign now live, we need to move fast to counter the gas lobby’s climate disinformation, and that’s not going to come cheap. Will you chip in $12 to expose APPEA? With your help, we’ll commission experts, lodge Freedom of Information requests, and trawl through gas industry data to reveal political donations.CHIP IN $12 NOW! You can read more about the gas lobby’s shady history of polluting our democracy below. Or, you can join hundreds of other GetUp members chipping in $12 to power a comprehensive report into APPEA’s murky tactics. For the future, Renaire, Charlie and David – for the GetUp team References: [1] Future of Gas, APPEA, viewed 5 June 2023. ——-Original email——- Today Peter Dutton openly called on the gas lobby to fight with him against “renewable zealotry”.1 The timing of Dutton’s call to arms is no coincidence. Following in the footsteps of the Minerals Council, the APPEA gas lobby recently announced a “multimillion-dollar nationwide advertising campaign“ to fight regulation.2 Make no mistake – an alliance between Dutton’s Liberal Party and the gas lobby’s deep pockets is a terrifying prospect. It’s designed to make the Albanese Government back down and back off from meaningful progress. We can’t compete with the gas lobby’s million dollar advertising budgets, but if we can undermine their credibility, we can diminish their political influence and policy impact. By working with expert researchers, we can expose how APPEA uses their money and political connections to pollute our democracy, making it toxic for politicians to be seen doing their bidding. Together, we’ll commission experts to lodge Freedom of Information requests, trawl through gas industry data to reveal political donations, and – most importantly – expose their climate disinformation. Armed with this report, we can generate headlines across the country aimed squarely at APPEA’s reputation, and make sure the report lands on the desks of every MP and senator. But expert researchers don’t come cheap and we need to start chipping away at APPEA’s reputation before they start pouring their millions into deceptive advertising. Peter Dutton’s anti-renewables comments are straight from the gas lobby’s playbook – calculated to apply maximum pressure on the Albanese Government to retreat on their gas industry regulations and wave through polluting gas projects. And while we can never compete with a multimillion-dollar gas lobby ad blitz, we can undermine their reputation with a headline-grabbing report exposing APPEA’s cynical tactics. But we can’t do it without your help, Mik. If enough of us chip in, we can:Fund Freedom of Information requests on all the lobbying meetings from APPEA and their members in seeking public funding and approvals for their polluting projects. Secure expert researchers to trawl through industry data, including APPEA members’ latest political donations, and their windfall profits compared to what they pay in tax. Unpack the torrent of climate disinformation from APPEA so that politicians and journalists can understand their bogus claims. The gas lobby feels the need to go on the attack because our movement is making progress. When gas corporations’ price-gouging and sky-high profits caused energy prices to shoot up, community anger at their corporate greed strengthened the Albanese Government’s hand to step in with important, if modest regulations. And when the gas lobby tried to undermine the Albanese Government’s new laws to regulate polluters, GetUp members chipped in for polling to show that voters wanted Labor to negotiate with the Greens and the crossbench to strengthen the Safeguard Mechanism. Now with key decisions on gas approvals and legislative changes fast approaching, we need to quickly tarnish the reputation of the gas lobby to weaken their political influence. Yours in determination, Renaire, Charlie and David – for the GetUp team PS — GetUp has a history of taking on powerful actors with groundbreaking reports, including our headline-grabbing research: Lies, Debates, and Silences: How News Corp produces climate scepticism in Australia.3 Now with the gas lobby APPEA threatening a multimillion-dollar ad campaign to undermine progress on climate action, we need to act fast to undermine their credibility. Will you chip in $12 to expose the gas lobby’s lies with a hard-hitting report? References: [1] Peter Dutton claims Labor wants ‘gas gone’ and urges sector to fight intervention, The Guardian, 18 May 2023. [2] Big business frantic bid to kill gas price cap, The Australian, 14 May 2023. [3] Lies, debates, and silences: How News Corp produces climate scepticism in Australia, GetUp, December 2020. The gas campaign at GetUp is led by the Climate Justice and First Nations Justice teams. The First Nations Justice team are campaigners and organisers from the Widjabul Wia-bul, Gooreng Gooreng, Warlpiri, Luritja-Pitjantjatjara, Wakka Wakka, Gubbi Gubbi, Yanyuwa and Garrwa Nations. GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you’d like to contribute to help fund GetUp’s work, donate now! |
ABC reveals coal companies are lying about emissions
Move Beyond Coal Australia wrote in their newsletter on 6 June 2023:
Yesterday, the ABC revealed that Whitehaven Coal, Adani and Anglo-America (and likely many other coal companies) are dangerously under-reporting their emissions and super-polluting methane leaks [1], and the Government is doing nothing about it.
The ABC investigation exposed that Whitehaven Coal’s Narrabri underground mine in northern NSW is polluting the atmosphere with more than three times the direct greenhouse gas emissions it forecast it would emit, when it received environmental approval in 2015. Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek recently advanced the approval of Whitehaven’s Narrabri coal mine extension which would be the most polluting coal mine in Australia if granted approval by the federal government.
Meanwhile, in it’s first year of production, Adani’s Carmichael mine emitted eight times more than Adani estimated. These coal companies are undermining Australia’s efforts to take action on the climate crisis and they must be stopped.
Share this damning investigation with your MP
We know Australia has a big coal problem. We’re the world’s biggest exporter of coal and home to the biggest pipeline of new coal mines. Australia’s coal problem is made even more dangerous with ABC’s investigation showing coal companies are failing to accurately estimate and report emissions.
The government’s newly reformed Safeguard Mechanism committed the Climate Change Authority to review emissions reporting methods. This news demonstrates the need for an overhaul of Australia’s emissions reporting measures, especially for super-polluting methane.
Relying on coal miners’ emissions estimates to assess pollution levels puts coal miners in charge of climate policy. The federal government’s emission reporting scheme has been captured by coal miners. The federal government needs to reign in polluting coal mines and stop approving new coal mines.
Mik, can you tell your MP that Australia’s emission laws are simply not strong enough?
Methane is a climate super-polluter, over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and right now coal companies are allowed to belch methane, unmeasured and uncontrolled into the atmosphere.
Hundreds of people from our movement wrote to their MPs to let them know that the Safeguard Mechanism should include action on methane and strong laws to rapidly cut emissions this decade.
If the federal government is serious about acting on climate change and achieving its emissions reduction targets it must not approve new polluting coal mines and require independent and accurate measurement and reporting of coal mine methane. There are 26 coal mining projects currently seeking approval from the federal government, every one of these mines threatens to undermine the federal government’s emission reduction targets and cannot proceed.
Australia has a serious methane and emissions problem, but people-power can pressure the government to tackle it.
In solidarity and hope,
Moira on behalf of Move Beyond Coal
Move Beyond Coal
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$7 billion public fund to open gas?
The Australian Conservation Foundation wrote in their newsletter on 7 June 2023: Next week, the Albanese Government has a clear choice: leave the door open for a $7 billion public fund to hand money to fossil fuels – or slam the door shut. Our government wants to increase the funding of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) to $7 billion. The minister responsible for NAIF, Resources Minister Madeleine King, is on the record as a supporter of the polluting gas industry – so we need to act now to remove any opportunity for this public money to support projects like Woodside’s Scarborough Gas Project and fracking the Beetaloo Basin. Before our Parliament votes on NAIF next week, we must urge our government to amend NAIF so that it cannot use our public money to fund fossil fuels. Let’s all speak up on Twitter today and create a surge of public pressure urging the Climate and Resources Ministers to rule out spending any of the $7 billion NAIF funds on fossil fuels! Allies including 350.org, the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Conservation Council WA and Jubilee Australia are also raising their voices on Twitter. Together we can send hundreds of tweets directly to the Ministers. Let’s get loud! SEND YOUR TWEET And let’s like and retweet our messages so they spread far and wide. Twitter instructions. Not on Twitter? Send an email instead. ![]() First, log in to Twitter. Then tweet @BowenChris and @MadeleineMHKing. Our state and federal governments are already handing over $21,143 every minute to subsidise the fossil fuel industry.¹ We cannot afford to continue squandering our public money expanding the industries most responsible for fuelling climate damage. In her first 12 months, Minister King has on multiple occasions publicly spruiked the polluting gas industry and dished out the first new offshore gas storage licences in a decade.² ³ Our public money should be funding a clean, nature-positive future. Instead of fossil fuels, NAIF should keep funding projects like the Kidston Clean Energy Hub in far-north Queensland, which helps communities stay safe from worsening climate impacts and create jobs for the future. Tweet to the Climate Minister and the Resources Minister and tell them to rule out the NAIF from spending our public money on fossil fuels. Climate action is urgent. Let’s all lend our voices to keep public money out of fossil fuels. Thank you. Lizzie Elizabeth Sullivan Climate Change Campaigner – Exports ¹ The Australia Institute: ‘Fossil fuel subsidies in Australia 2023‘ ² The Hon Madeleine King MP: ‘Speech to the APPEA 2023 Conference, Adelaide’ ³ The Hon Madeleine King MP: ‘New offshore greenhouse gas storage acreage to help lower emissions’ |
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Scandinavian Airline SAS Begins Ticket Sales For Electric Flights
Going forward
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Events we have talked about in The Sustainable Hour
Events in Victoria
The following is a collation of Victorian climate change events, activities, seminars, exhibitions, meetings and protests. Most are free, many ask for RSVP (which lets the organising group know how many to expect), some ask for donations to cover expenses, and a few require registration and fees. This calendar is provided as a free service by volunteers of the Victorian Climate Action Network. Information is as accurate as possible, but changes may occur.
→ List of running petitions where we encourage you to add your name
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Live-streaming on Wednesdays
The Sustainable Hour is streamed live on the Internet and broadcasted on FM airwaves in the Geelong region every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm (Melbourne time).
» To listen to the program on your computer or phone, click here – or go to www.947thepulse.com where you then click on ‘Listen Live’ on the right.
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