#ClimateStrike: A peaceful youth uprise unfolds

Are you watching? There is a European youth uprise unfolding. Its impact is still modest and ‘under the radar’ among Australian youth, but it is making headlines and front cover stories in Europe.

You can follow it on social media streams such as #ClimateStrike and #FridaysForFuture on Twitter.

“I will go on with the school strike. Every Friday as from now, I will sit outside the Swedish parliament until Sweden is in line with the Paris Agreement.

I urge all of you to do the same – sit outside your parliament or local government wherever you are – until your country is on a safe pathway to a below 1.5 degree warming target.

Time is much shorter than we think.
Failure means disaster.

The change required are enormous and we must all contribute in every part of our daily life. Especially us in the rich countries, where no nation is doing nearly enough.

The grown ups have failed us!

And since most of them, including the press and the politicians, keep ignoring the situation, we must take action into our own hands.
Starting today.

Everyone is welcome.
Everyone one is needed.
Please join in!”

~ Greta Thurberg


Canada’s big day of school strike is on 7 December 2018

Catch the latest posts on Twitter


Report for Friday 5 October 2018

#ClimateStrike Week 7 – Day 19

176 people in 17 locations in five countries:

(in brackets = previous weeks)

Spain: .. (1,)
United Kingdom, Manchester: … (1,)
Finland, Helsinki: 20 (35, 100) people

Utrecht, Zeist: 0 (5,3,2) all went to The Hague
The Hague: 20 (15, 20, ,,100,,)
Rotterdam: 1 (1,1)

Berlin: 10 (2)
Leipzig: … (2)

Italy, Rome: .. (2)

Australia, Brisbane: 1
(10KN + 1 (Location 2), 1+ 10 The greencollective revolution (Location 2))

Falun: … (2,1)
Malmö/Lund: 30 (0, ,,)
Göreborg, Adolf Fredrick Torg: 11 (9,,,)
Uppsala: 7 (3) Location 2
Vimmerby: 5 (3, 1)
Simrishamn: 5
Örebro: 26 (8,,,,)
Luleå: 10 +1 dog (2)
Umeå: 3 (4)
Nacka: … (20)
Gotland, Visby: … (2,3)
Västervik: … (5)
Karlstad: 3
Blekinge: 1
Other: 1 train (1 zip + 1 train + 1)
Stockholm, Mynttorget: 50 (50+1 school class Södra folkhög skola)

Norway … (0,0,0,1000)

» Source: www.facebook.com/janine.okeeffe

Tweets from the latest 24 hours:


“The climate strike outside the Dutch parliament is in full swing! Be sure to check NOS Jeugdjournaal [Dutch youth news program on national tv] tonight at 7 o’clock, they did an interview with Greta Thunberg, Lilly [a 10-year-old environmental champion, youth ambassador for the Dutch Plastic Pollution Coalition and child ambassador for HOW Global and World Cleanup Day 2018] and us! Tonight we’ll go to Brussels to protest there tomorrow!”

The Hague






We may be biased, but to us this looks exactly like the beginning of something that could grow to become that youth uprise for the climate which the global (adult) climate movement has been waiting for during the last two decades.

It is peaceful and innocent, carried forward by Greta’s super-simplistic approach – “If you adults don’t care about my future, then I won’t either” – but there’s no doubt the concept is very powerful and potentially disruptive at a whole-of-society level if the numbers keep growing in the coming month.

Meanwhile, down under…

Australian school strike in Brisbane

How and when will Australian school students get involved? – …if at all?

Well, on Friday 21 September 2018, the first little group sat in front of Parliament House in Brisbane, accompanied by adults, who then reported on Instagram:

“Is it reasonable that our kids should teach us how to clean up our act? How about we woke up from our ignorance and started demanding change! In Brisbane today we had a lot of support from by passers, mostly those who were activists themselves, Adani protestors, elderly people and school kids. A school class with fifty 15 year olds all wanted to get in a photo but their teacher was worried about getting into trouble with the principal…

Politicians walked right by us, not even acknowledging our presence.

Anyway, today was amazing, we got so much positive feedback for initiating this and now Australia have joined the list of countries who support the global #climatestrike movement backing @gretathunberg on her mission to get our politicians to act! Let’s get the whole world onboard!!”

~ thegreenlight_collective

#FridaysForFuture #klimatstrejk #climatestrike

“The climate won’t wait” – “We stand with Greta” – “Climate Justice”… Three Swedish supporters of Greta’s school strike for climate – in Gotland on 28 September 2018

This Friday, 5 October 2018, saw youth groups climate-striking in 12 Swedish cities: Göteborg, Malmö/Lund, Västervik, Örebro, Umeå, Luleå, Uppsala, Gotland, Falun, Vimmerby, Nacka and Stockholm.

There is No Planet B – blog

Swedish Hanna Strandahl, 18 years old, who is also school striking, reports about the strike developments in her blog There is No Planet B (in Swedish language)

» Instagram: @Hanna.Strandahl

Report for 21 September 2018

#ClimateStrike Week 5 – Day 17

316 people in 17 locations:

• Brisbane, Australia: >9 people
• Helsinki, Finland: >100 people
• Zeist, the Netherlands: 1 person
• The Hague, the Netherlands: >100, several newspaper articles and TV news
• Utrecht, the Netherlands: …
• Berlin, Germany: >10 people
• Italy: …
• Stockholm, Sweden: >50 people
• Falun, Sweden: >2 people (Mockfjärd, Dalarna)
• Malmö, Sweden: …
• Göteborg, Sweden: …
• Vimmerby, Sweden: 1 person (a faithful follower from Stockholm)
• Örebro, Sweden: >20 people, 2 dogs
• Luleå, Sweden: 6 people
• Umeå, Sweden: 2 people
• Nacka, Sweden: >14 people

We’ll keep you posted.

How one Swedish 15-year-old started all of this

More here:

Strike for safety. Climate safety