Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 535 are Kirsty Bishop-Fox from Waste Free Victoria and Mark Carter from Flight Free Australia.

Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 535 are Kirsty Bishop-Fox from Waste Free Victoria and Mark Carter from Flight Free Australia.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 457 are author, broadcaster and sustainability educator Geoff Ebbes and Karen and Danny Ellis from Mend It, Australia.
Guest in The Sustainable Hour no 371 are Simon Kalinowski, CEO, Mandalay Technologies, and Noreen Nicholson, who is special events co-ordinator for Geelong Sustainability pushing for a community bulk-buy of electric vehicles.
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no 356 are Margie Abbott, Sally Neaves and Sharon Natoli. We also have a report on holiday waste by 12-year-old Ben Pocock.
The Sustainable Hour no 322 with Sarah Jones and Jamie Marloo Thomas, co-founders of Wayapa Wuurrk, election candidate Belinda Moloney and youth correspondent Ben Pocock
A Sustainable Hour about bushfire horrors, resilience, Returner Cups, ‘We can do better’ principles that connect us – and what the Earth can teach us
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no 315 are Geelong Councillor Ron Nelson, chair of Council’s Waste & Resource Recovery committee, and Clare Land, author of the recently released book, ‘Decolonising Solidarity’
Guests in The Sustainable Hour on 27 November 2019 are Maree Fagan and Tory Sorensen from Extinction Rebellion Red Rebels Geelong, and Ryan Mischkulnig from The Reimaginarium.
Clippings from the news stream about individual action on climate change “There is research showing that climate change is happening faster than we thought. We’re in a car hurtling towards the edge of a cliff, we’ve got our foot on
The Sustainable Hour on 16 January 2019 with Maxine Bazeley, Helen McCosker, Hadassah Djordan, Lauren, Anissa and Bec.