Guest in The Sustainable Hour on 31 October 2018 is Ken Dickens, managing director of Corio Waste Management. Paul Wittwer explains that the National Day of Inaction on 30 November 2018 is actually a day of climate action. Australian school
Tag: recycling
Kids on school strike, councillors in emergency mode
A podcast hour about what happens when we adults – as the school-striking climate campaign oracle Greta Thunberg requests in Sweden – begin to talk about the climate crisis as the global emergency it really is. In this hour, we learn about
Groundswell of zero waste living
Australia is getting ready for Plastic-Free July – the countdown started today with a major supermarket chain stopping its handing out free single-use plastic bags. In The Sustainable Hour on 20 June 2018, we talk with Linda Grant, an education
Waste is in the air
In The Sustainable Hour on 2 May 2018, Corio Waste Management CEO Ken Dickens shares his insight into the disruptions that are going on in the Australian recycling sector at the moment – a recording from Geelong Sustainability’s Green Drinks
Ready to recycle, #BanTheBag and #StopAdani
With the National Recycling Week coming up on 13 November, we talk about waste and recycling in The Sustainable Hour on 8 November 2017. Our guest in the studio is education officer Darby Munro from City of Greater Geelong Waste
Climate and coal: It is when we get together real action begins
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour on 5 April 2017 are Steven Reddington, senior environmental planner at Barwon Water, Erin Lewis-Fitzgerald, new editor of Slow Magazine, Danny Kennedy, and managing director of the California Clean Energy Fund. We also play a
Citizens getting involved in waterways and our future
In The Sustainable Hour on 9 November 2016 we talk with State Waterwatch Coordinator Deirdre Murphy (left) and State EstuaryWatch Coordinator Rose Herben about the two citizen science programs and their new websites. And we talk with Tom O’Connor about
Celebration of our circular future – and a three-year-old’s birthday
How do we make Geelong into a more sustainable city? Ask the residents! “Sustainability is on everyone’s mind,” Simone Boer tells us, the project leader of Geelong Council’s ‘Our Future’ project. She is our guest in the studio in The
Season’s greetings from the carbon frontier
In the 103rd Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse on 9 December 2015, we talk with Alison Marchant from Frack Free Moriac and Lock the Gate about the 200-page inquiry report on fracking which a commission has put together for
Redefining the meaning of ‘waste’
Instead of fighting over the expansion of landfill sites, it is time to start a much more interesting conversation about how we create a world without landfills. In The Sustainable Hour on 4 June 2014 on 94.7 The Pulse we