Yet few journalists, public policy actors or researchers have heard of the Atlas Network. Here’s an opportunity to catch up and understand what is actually going on.
Tag: disinformation
Restore a safe climate? First we must restore trust
“The Federal government has been promoting coal, misleading the public on causes of blackouts and electricity rises, and trashing renewable power. They’ve seemingly forgotten all about climate change. Meanwhile extreme weather has played havoc on power infrastructure around the country,
Climate inaction linked to culture of cutting corners
[CLIMATIC ROOT TREATMENT] is a series of blogposts seeking to uncover and understand the deeper roots of society’s problems with taking appropriate action on the climate emergency, and to explore the advantages we could see once the action sets in.
Let’s meet and greet our local climate sceptics with confidence – and a smile
You can’t judge climate sceptics as if they are all the same. They come in various sizes and shapes, with different motivations, and we need to be able to distinguish sceptics from deniers, trolls from laggards. We have seen their
We were being lied to. Victorians still are
Today in The Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse, we talk about air pollution and cheating with air quality measurements. Outraged by the recent Volkswagen and Exxon scandals, we take a look at local examples of scandalous emissions fraud and
A brighter future minus coal and gas
At a time when governments protect and promote the coal and gas industries… At a time when the entire world is saying that coal and gas urgently need to be phased out due to the climatic complications caused by the
Modern society is a suicide cult
Liberal and Conservative politicians accuse science of climate change of doomsday hysteria, but do not see the religious plank in their own eyes. Most people have heard about cults, which in the name of religious fanaticism commit collective suicide and
Climate scepticism paralyses political climate initiatives
The fact that still in 2013 there are people who loudly and repeatedly say ‘climate change is a scam’ has an impact on our common future which should not be underestimated. It influences public opinion as well as the politicians
Crowdfunding to cancel fossil fuel subsidies
This blog-post touches upon three absurdities of our time, and a new tool to work around them: crowdfunding. The three absurdities of March 2013 are: • Governments donate 1.9 trillion dollars annually as public subsidies to the fossil fuel industry,