This election, we are taking an active stand for the climate. That means we will be supporting and informing you about candidates who are committed to real climate action.
As a community dedicated to climate safety, we believe our efforts should be focused where they can have the greatest impact. Instead of endorsing political business as usual, we will support candidates in the Corio and Corangamite electorates who have demonstrated a genuine commitment to protecting our planet. This includes the Greens, the Animal Justice Party, and Community Independents.
We are particularly interested in supporting candidates and parties that have endorsed the Climate Rescue Accord, such as the Animal Justice Party, the Fusion Party, and the Legalise Cannabis Party, and we are guided by the Traffic Light Voting system.
Why this is more urgent than ever
2024 was the hottest year on record. January – just last month – was the hottest month ever recorded. The past ten years? The hottest decade in human history. We are living through a climate emergency, yet the changes we need are still being stalled.
Why? Because we are being fed a steady diet of misinformation, distractions, and outright lies. Instead of acknowledging the reality of a heating planet, we are told there’s nothing to worry about – or worse, led down conspiracy rabbit holes that blame everything but the real cause: fossil fuels.
Misinformation slows progress. The future doesn’t lie in clinging to outdated systems – it lies in innovation, resilience, and action. Clean energy solutions like wind and solar are not only possible; they are already powering a better future. But to break free from the fossil fuel stranglehold, we need political leaders with the courage to act.
This election, we have a chance – and a responsibility – to rally for change. The most powerful message we can send is a massive shift in votes towards climate-strong candidates. Every vote counts. The time to act is now.
This is about shifting the balance of power towards those who prioritise climate action. The coming months offer a critical opportunity to support candidates who are ready to make a real difference.
No more bla bla bla
In Greta Thunberg’s words, “No more bla bla bla!” The time for accountability has arrived.
We have seen time and again how politicians from the major parties shift their stance depending on where the power lies. Engaging with them as if they genuinely care is no different from those who once condemned Donald Trump, only to later scramble for a seat at his inauguration. It is political theatre – an act of self-preservation, not leadership.
The climate will not be saved by hollow promises and performative concern. It is time to move power – not chase it. That means backing candidates who stand firm, not those who adjust their rhetoric to whatever keeps them in office.
If you share our vision for meaningful change, we invite you to join us. Consider signing up as a volunteer to help strengthen this movement. Send ud an email where you tell us a bit about who you are and how you think you can help. Together, let’s turn climate concern into real climate action.
If you are a candidate in Corangamite or Corio who aligns with our criteria, we encourage you to get in touch.
How to vote climate

World Economic Forum:
Escalating environmental challenges
The World Economic Forum has identified extreme weather events as the top-ranked global risk over the next decade, with costs per event increasing nearly 77 per cent in the past five decades due to climate change.
Biodiversity loss ranked second, a sharp rise from 37th place in 2009 – and a clear signal of growing alarm over ecosystem collapse.
→ World Economic Forum:
Global Risks Report 2025
→ Download report (PDF)
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