Jan Morgan and Graeme Garrett, authors of ‘On the Edge’, teach a practice of attention, responding to the call of the world with an open heart. The energy for change and new ways of being in the world then comes to birth, they say.
Tag: Climatic Root Treatment
‘Time for citizens to act’ – climate history
“Time for politicians to act”, said the scientists more than four decades ago. However the politicians at the time didn’t think it was time. As this blogpost documents, through more than half a century, we – humanity, but in particular:
Exposed: Australia’s shameful upside-down culture
“At the end of the day, I look after my own interests.” ~ Mario Mancusso, butcher, Newmarket Quality Meats, Flemington, Melbourne, on 29 March 2018 Down under, maybe not surprisingly, things are often turned upside-down. In particular the truth. During
Care is in the air
…and on air, not just in The Sustainable Hour, but finally now also in national news programs and documentaries on the channels of our public broadcasters. In The Sustainable Hour on 7 March 2018, we talk climate care with ACT’s
Sketch of our route towards carbon safety. First stop: #StoryChange
“If we change the story, we can change the world.” ~ Brady Piñero Walkinshaw, CEO, Grist Magazine “When we get the story right, we move quickly.” ~ Jeremy Rifkin, economist “The best arguments in the world won’t change a person’s
Welcome to the new grand story of interconnected sustainability
“As if it wasn’t already clear, 2017 provided even more evidence that we are changing our planet in dangerous ways.” ~ Heather Leibowitz, environmental advocate and lawyer “In 20 years we’ll look back on 2017 as a turning point for
It’s about Our Future
The ‘Our Future’ vision for Geelong is a challenge of a lifetime – but we can do it. Geelong is about to find out whether politics and votes can be determined not by the usual short-term election promises which everyone
Coining the phrase of climate change
“Aren’t we already we at the point of no return with making our planet uninhabitable?” Narrative navigation: Why does it have to be a choice between either Heaven, Hell or Hoax when politicians and climate action campaigners talk about the
Restore a safe climate? First we must restore trust
“The Federal government has been promoting coal, misleading the public on causes of blackouts and electricity rises, and trashing renewable power. They’ve seemingly forgotten all about climate change. Meanwhile extreme weather has played havoc on power infrastructure around the country,
The burning issue of culture change
“Denying climate change is stealing the future of our children just to make money now.” ~ Dr Jane Goodall Among the many burning global issues we are faced with, there is a ‘carbon bell’ that tolls, currently ringing at the