“It’s hard not to feel despair at headlines full of fires, floods, hurricanes, and droughts. But the science tells us we still have time to turn it around if governments listen to the people, instead of the oil and gas lobbies. We’ve already pulled off some of the biggest climate mobilisations in history — so now let’s throw our weight behind Greta’s climate strike — and let’s help make this HUGE!
With hope, Christoph, Pascal, Andy, Muriel, Francesco and the entire team at Avaaz
On Friday 20 September 2019, a global ‘Earth strike’ for the climate will be held with children and young people at the front. It launches a Global Week For Future which runs from 20 to 27 September – an action week with strikes, manifestations and actions for the climate around the world following the United Nations Climate Action Summit on 21-23 September in New York, in which world famous Swedish climate activist and school-striker Greta Thunberg will be participating.
The week ends with a global strike for the climate on 27 September. The #FridaysForFuture movement calls on all adults to help pushing politicians to act on the ongoing climate emergency.
“How should Australia’s parents deal with those who labour so joyously to create a world in which a large portion of humanity will perish? As I have become ever more furious at the polluters and denialists, I have come to understand they are threatening my children’s well-being as much as anyone who might seek to harm a child.” (…)
On September 20 in Australia and elsewhere, school principals must decide whether they will allow their students to march in the global climate strike in an effort to save themselves from the climate predators in our midst, or force them to stay and study for a future that will not, on current trends, eventuate.
I will be marching with the strikers in Melbourne, and I believe teachers should join their pupils on that day. After all, us older generation should be painfully aware that our efforts have not been enough to protect our children.
The new and carefully planned rebellion by the young generation forces us earlier generations of climate activists to re-examine our strategy. Should we continue to use words to try to win the debate? Or should we become climate rebels? Changing the language around climate denialism will, I hope, sharpen our focus as we ponder what comes next.”
~ Tim Flannery
Professorial fellow, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne
→ The Conversation – 17 September 2019:
The gloves are off: ‘predatory’ climate deniers are a threat to our children
“The climate crisis has now grown so severe that the actions of the denialists have turned predatory: they are now an immediate threat to our children.”

“So at work I’m putting this sticker on every order we ship until 20 September. Hopefully it provokes thought and conversation.”
~ Ben Burdett, owner and director at EFFLOCK
→ Find climate strike art work you can use here
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Not business as usual
“We are a group of Australian and global businesses pledging to support worker participation in the climate strike on September 20th.
We know the number one reason people won’t strike is because of work.
Every business can do something, whether it’s closing the doors, having a meeting free day, allowing a long lunch, or sending an email to make it clear teams will not be penalised for taking a few hours off.
The reality is that while it’s not up to the private sector to lead climate action, we can do our part in this first of a kind moment.
. . .
”This is not business as usual. It’s not business as usual for the world’s children to skip school to get adults to pay attention to the climate crisis.
It’s not business as usual for those children to have to ask the adults to skip work.
It’s not business as usual for citizens to strike to get governments to make meaningful commitments to climate action.
So, on Friday 20 September, we’re not doing business as usual.”
“Climate action isn’t just for the young and the brave. It’s not only for policymakers and politicians. Climate action must be taken by each and every one of us.”
~ Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO, We Don’t Have Time
“The climate emergency is not good for business. Most companies are not in the fossil fuel industry. Time to assert themselves and follow the example of @Atlassian encouraging staff to attend @StrikeClimate“
~ Mike Cannon-Brookes