Looking for unity and business intelligence

Guests in The Sustainable Hour on 11 September 2019 are Heidi Fog, a carbon consultant, who helps companies and schools lowering their carbon footprint and save money on the electricity bill, and who is featured in the ninth episode of our Show Me How series, and Audrey Aronsten-Whytcross, school strike organiser from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, who explains about what will happen at Geelong City Hall on Friday 20 September at 10am.

600 business leaders from around the world have pledged to support their employees to strike on 20 September for the Global Climate Strike. 

We also talk with Dr Geoff Berry, who has drafted a succinct one-page letter designed to help supporters get their workplaces on side in reference to the 20 September climate strike.

Sustainable People reports from a unique event in Denmark: The Democracy Festival, a festival for the youth, which this year gathered 30.000 young people from all over Denmark. The festival started back in 2013 as a very tiny one with only 150 people invited, but after the first meeting, the vision of building a festival started growing, and three years later it was a reality with more than 80 organisations supporting it. The keywords are democracy and involvement in the society. There are several stages and workshops in tents all over the park, Valbyparken, where it takes place, with thousands of curious young people visiting. The climate issue played a big role this year. Lene Fogsgaard spoke with Olav, one of the founders of the festival, Rye, Anders and Benjamin, three young Danes attending it, and the famous Danish rap artist Jesper “Jokeren”, who spoke from the stage about starting a “green revolution now”. Lene asks us: “Australia! What about you being next in line to start a festival like this? You have our full support!”

“If today’s decision makers do not understand the double seriousness of climate crisis and social crisis and understand that we need a radical change, I fear that some in desperation will end up in eco-terrorism.”
~ Jørgen Steen Nielsen, Danish journalist, Information

Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 284 on 94.7 The Pulse:

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Message to GHD from Geelong’s concerned citizens
More on www.facebook.com/roarforclimate


Content of this hour

Links, excerpts and more information about what we talked about in this Sustainable Hour

Heidi and Vigga Fog


Send a letter of explanation

Dr Geoff Berry has drafted a succinct one-page letter designed to help supporters get their workplaces on side in reference to the 20 September climate strike.

“This letter could literally triple the amount of people that join the strike!,” he reckons.

Dr Berry’s letter to employers

You can adapt and share the one-page letter he designed to help supporters get their workplaces on side on the 20 September global climate strike:

→ Download the Word document

→ School strike material: Posters, flyers, letters



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In other news

From our notes of this week: news stories and events we didn’t have time to mention but which we think you should know about

Cyclists will be pleased that Google has introduced bike routes amongst a number of features in its Maps app, along with a recommendation for the greenest option for any route. The update has launched in the US already and will roll out across 30 other countries in the next couple of months.

Stand up for the world’s largest living organism

Make the Great Barrier Reef an Australian citizen and protect her right to live – CITIZEN REEF

Petitioning the Australian government, including David Coleman, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, and five others: “Let them know we are a unified voice who believe this living, breathing Aussie icon, should become a living, breathing Aussie citizen. Let’s help get the Great Barrier Reef her citizenship to give her the same rights that every living being on this planet deserves – the right to life.”

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See more petitions you could sign

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Podcasts and posts on this website about climate emergency

Latest news on BBC about climate change



We at The Sustainable Hour would like to pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we are broadcasting, the Wathaurong People, and pay our respect to their elders, past, present and future.

The traditional owners lived in harmony with the environment and with the climate for hundreds of generations. It is not clear – yet – that as European settlers we have demonstrated that we can live in harmony for hundreds of generations, but it is clear that we can learn from the indigenous, traditional owners of this land.

When we talk about the future, it means extending our respect to those children not yet born, the generations of the future – remembering the old saying that…

The decisions currently being made around Australia to ignore climate change are being made by those who won’t be around by the time the worst effects hit home. How utterly disgusting, disrespectful and unfair is that?

Streaming live


The Sustainable Hour is streamed live on the Internet every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm (Melbourne time).

» To listen to the program on your computer or phone, click here – or go to www.947thepulse.com where you then click on ‘Listen Live’ on the right.

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Over 270 hours of sustainable podcasts

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The Sustainable Hour
The Sustainable Hour

Sharing solutions that make the climate safer and our cities more liveable

“Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race.”
~ Pete Seeger, American singer