Geelong joins the #StopAdani ShakeUp

Newsletter No 13 from #StopAdani Geelong: Community Meeting 6 November @6.30pm


What:  Peaceful protest out the front of Richard Marles’ office
Who:  Anyone who wants to take a stand to Stop Adani from the young to the young at heart
When:  21 November at 11am
Where:  17A Yarra Street, Geelong
Bring:  Dress up (think nemo, coral, coal), signs, family/friends
Why:  Time is running out!

Joining in with the national #StopAdani ShakeUp we will be getting together out the front of Richard Marles’ office to escalate pressure on our elected representatives!

We are calling this action GENERATIONS AGAINST ADANI! We welcome all: families, students, grandparents, anyone from the young to the young at heart!

Join us at 11am for a peaceful and fun action to turn up the heat on Richard Marles to commit to reviewing the NAIF loan (if approved) when Labour get into government and to review the environmental approvals in place for the loan.

» Please register on the ticket page if you are coming and how many people you are bringing!

(By 19 November we have “39 going · 264 interested” on our Facebook event page. Please help convert some of the “interested” to “going”! Even if you have done it already, you can also remind / invite your Facebook-friends to RSVP on either EventBrite or Facebook.


The federal government is considering giving Adani a billion dollar taxpayer-funded loan to build a coal megamine that will wreck our climate and trash our Reef. The good news is that 75% of Australians don’t support the loan. And Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced her plans to veto it.

But what about BHP? BHP is the biggest financial member of the Minerals Council of Australia, the industry lobby group that pushed the government into considering this dodgy loan in the first place.

Please ask BHP to oppose a loan for the climate-wrecking Adani megamine. Time is critical – send an email at:

» The New Daily – 12 November 2017:
Adani highlights everything wrong with Australian politics today
“A ready explanation of why Australians hold politicians in such low esteem can be found in a solitary word: Adani.”

The #StopAdani Summit in Melbourne this weekend


The time is NOW! We are running out of time to stop Adani. With Adani needing to refinance their loan on Abbot Point Coal Port within the next six months, they need to start work on the mine ASAP. Without the mine, the port is overvalued and they will not get any bank or other lender to refinance.

Matt Canavan has made a return to the front bench. He is one of the biggest supporters of the mine. This means we need more MPs to take a stronger stand against the mine, be that Labour or Liberal. Labour need to commit to reviewing the environmental standards as well as the NAIF loan when they are elected at the next election. Liberal MPs need to take a firm stand against both the loan and the mine.

We have our work cut out for us! JOIN US on Monday to plan for the next week of action from 20-24 November.

Venue: Geelong Library (the Dome)
Time: Monday 6 November at 6:30pm


Over 350 people joined together on Sunday 29 October where we met other local groups working to #StopAdani, learned where the pressure points are, and planned to take the pressure to the next level on our Federal MPs to stop Adani’s loan.

We heard about the fight on the front line with speeches from Bruce Currie, a Queensland grazier with property in Jericho and Aunty Carol Prior who is a Juru Traditional Owner. They are battling in the courts and fighting to save their home and land.

With workshops and inspiring stories from other groups – including the great actions organised by the StopAdani group up in Castlemaine – everyone walked away inspired and more determined for the StopAdani Shake Up 20-24 November.






Construction on the Adani Pit to Port Rail Line has barely begun and already brave people are putting their bodies on the line to shut down construction. Adani, this is just the beginning!

Petition and ad-crowdfunding campaign
Angus Emmott: Rescind Adani’s unlimited groundwater licence

“Central Queensland graziers are dependent on groundwater. Don’t let our Government sell out Queensland farming families. Donate now to help us get this ad on the air in regional Queensland!”

» Add your name here

Peter Garrett: “I believe this is the most critical address I have given here”

“There is nothing about this Adani project that doesn’t stink to heaven.”

“The future is here and it’s positive: Solar, not coal. Clean jobs not dirty ones. It’s utilising the ever-present power of the sun in a sunburnt land instead of digging up the very stuff that is stoking the flames of a warming planet. Right now, we face a choice: Shall we move beyond the age of coal and secure the future of the Reef? Or do nothing for a few more years and lose our most precious natural asset?”
~ Peter Garrett, lead singer of Midnight Oil and former minister

Peter Garrett’s National Press Club Address entitled ‘Trashing our crown jewel: the fate of the Great Barrier Reef in the coal age’ was broadcasted live on ABC News 24 on Tuesday 24 October 2017 at 12:30. A great speech, which you can read in full on Peter Garrett’s home page.

» The video recording of Garrett’s speech followed by questions was uploaded as Episode 14 of Season 2017 on ABC’s iView service

» Read Peter Garrett’s National Press Club address

» RenewEconomy – 26 October 2017:
Peter Garrett: Back on centre stage to fight Adani, push for 100% renewables
“Wearing ‘Stop Adani’ and ‘Coral not Coal’ t-shirts, Garrett’s constant theme through the evening was the protection of the Great Barrier Reef, the stopping of the massive coal projects in the Galilee Basin, and the push to 100 per cent renewable energy. The crowd of 15,000 roared its approval.”

» The Music – 25 October 2017:
Missy Higgins Joins Musicians Protesting Against Adani’s Controversial Carmichael Mine
“Revered singer-songwriter Missy Higgins has thrown her weight behind the campaign against Adani’s controversial mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin by joining a group of musicians protesting the development, calling themselves the Coal Resisters.”

» The Conversation – 25 October 2017:
Nothing but truthiness: Adani and Co’s post-truth push for the Carmichael mine
“A decision to build a greenfield megamine would appear to come down to the facts, with the known harms weighed against the potential benefits. Yet we can identify three distinct traits in official discourses around the Adani mine that show truthiness at work.”

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