Speaking of sustainability: Green drinks in Geelong

On Wednesday 28 August 2013, around 90 sustainability-minded citizens of Geelong met for a ‘green drink’ at Beav’s Bar. Councillor Andy Richards was the keynote speaker, while Suzette Jackson introduced the ‘Smarter Homes Meetup & Seminar’


Cr Andy Richards launches the new directory ‘Sustainable Geelong 2013’.

GeelongSustainabileDirectoryCoverSustainable Geelong Directory: Geelong Sustainability Group has built a database of sustainability resources in the Greater Geelong region. It contains community groups, initiatives, courses, events, publications, websites, projects, services, businesses and professionals that operate within the sustainability sector and that are contributing to the current and future sustainability and liveability of the city and region.

A collaboration with the CoGG online Community Directory staff has resulted in most entries being uploaded into a a new ‘Sustainability’ section of this directory.

» More information about the directory launch and how to obtain your copy.

Below you can listen to two of the speakers at the social networking forum ‘Geelong Sustainability Drinks’ in June 2013. Doug Rolfe explains about what the Alternative Technology Association is, and Sam Smith introduces Future Proofing Geelong.



Doug Rolfe explains about the Alternative Technology Association

The Alternative Technology Association is Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisation promoting sustainable technology and practice. The association provides services to members who are actively walking the talk in their own homes by using good building design, conserving water and using renewable energy.
The Alternative Technology Association advocates in government and industry arenas for easy access to green technologies as well as continual improvement of the technology, information and products needed to change the way we live.
The association also offers advice on conserving energy, building with natural materials, reusing, reducing the use of and recycling natural resources.
» Home page: ata.org.au


Sam Smith explains about Future Proofing Geelong

Future Proofing Geelong is a partnership program between City of Greater Geelong, EPA Victoria, Barwon Water, Deakin University, Committee for Geelong, Geelong Manufacturing Council, and Geelong Chamber of Commerce.
The purpose of Future Proofing Geelong is to promote and support new and existing initiatives that seek to improve environmental outcomes for Geelong; making it an economically productive, vibrant and liveable city.
» Home page: futureproofinggeelong.com

Geelong Sustainability Drinks
‘Geelong Sustainability Drinks’ in June was held on Wednesday 26 June from 5:30-7:30pm, which is the time the events take place every fourth Wednesday of the month.
Other speakers on the day were Suzette Jackson about Geelong Better Block, Vicki Perrett about Sustainable House Day & GSG update, and Alice Bleby from Australian Youth Climate Coalition about the Power Shift conference in Melbourne.

The social networking forum ‘Geelong Sustainability Drinks’, organised by Geelong Sustainability Group, is about sharing ideas and creating new connections, and the events deliver an opportunity to find out what is happening in the sustainability sector in Geelong, Victoria and Australia. Entry is free. Finger food provided. Drinks at bar prices. At Beav’s Bar, 77 Little Malop Street, Geelong.

» More info about Geelong Sustainability Drinks on geelongsustainability.org.au

Smarter Homes MeetUp & Seminars

A home that has been designed or retrofitted with energy efficiency and sustainability in mind provides the occupants with a healthier, more comfortable lifestyle and a less costly home. However most of us need specialist advice to help us understand, design and implement the best solutions for our homes. This year specialists across the Barwon region have come together to provide our community with free opportunities to improve the sustainability of their homes and the productivity of their gardens.

‘Smarter Homes MeetUp’ is a Geelong and Barwon regional event that offers local residents with an opportunity to obtain free specialist advice on their specific house and garden queries. There will be sixty, 20-minute meetings with specialists available for local community from across the Barwon region to meet and discuss their specific homes. Specialists available for MeetUps will include:

  • Sustainable architects & building designers
  • Sustainable builders
  • House rating & energy consultants
  • Solar energy advisers
  • Edible garden specialists

In addition the ‘Smarter Home Seminars’ will provide free advice on the opportunity for creating sustainable homes. These events share smarter homes and living ideas and approaches with various smarter living resources and Sustainable House Day information available on the day. Seminar topics include:

  • ‘Smarter Homes, Smarter Living’
  • ‘Ten Star Rated Homes’
  • ‘Creating A Sustainable Garden’
  • ‘Solar For Housing’

These events will appeal to home buyers and owners of all ages as well as home renovators, renters and students.

‘Smarter Homes MeetUp’ and ‘Smarter Homes Seminars’ will be held on Saturday September 7th between 12pm and 3pm at Waterfront Kitchen, Deakin University.

Be sure to bring along your house plans, sketches, site plan and/or photos to assist your specialist on the day.



Bookings for meetups & seminars are limited so be quick to secure your place at: www.GeelongSustainability.eventbrite.com.au

Profiles of participating specialists are available on the GSG website at: www.geelongsustainability.org.au/SmarterHomes.

Read the specialist profiles to guide your selection of the most relevant expert(s) for your needs.

These events are coordinated by Innate Ecology for Geelong Sustainability Group in conjunction with Sustainable House Day. These events are sponsored by Future Proofing Geelong, Waterfront Kitchen and Deakin University.


  1. Yes indeed GSG really appreciates your documentation of these networking sessions. It was great to share the link with people like Viv and others involved in the Directory’s creation that couldn’t be there in person!

  2. Thank you for posting these presentations, Mik. I was on Skype at the back of the room thanks to Vicki and John, and although I could see a bit, I couldn’t hear very well. So it’s been great to hear what was said. Thanks.

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