Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 530 are architect Kevin Kennon in New York and climate activist Joe Zammit in Newcastle.
Tag: housing
Be the community and enjoy the difference
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 512 are Monica Winson from Transition Streets Geelong and Annie Delaney and Mary-Faeth Chenery from WINC
Transformational designers of the true zero
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 441 are Charles van Dongen from the battery company Zenaji and Tim Adams from the ‘true zero carbon’-focused architectural firm F2 Design.
Build the difference
The Sustainable Hour no. 431 on 28 September with Belinda Noble from Comms Declare and Karina Donkers and Bev Merrett from Sustainable House Day Geelong.
Sustainable House Day: Replacing blah blah with action
The Sustainable Hour on 6 October 2021 is all about “Sustainable House Day” coming up in Geelong
Counter business as usual
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no 342 are Anisa Rogers from Blockade IMARC, Carina Mammone from Tomorrow Movement and Saimon Boyle from Urban Farm and House.
Finding our village built on heart and vision
An hour in the Sustainable Tunnel with Anglican minister Peter Martin, Geelong Sustainability president Vicki Perrett and Claire Ziegler.
THE REGENERATIVE HOUR: Towards a decade with meaning
Lifestyle interview with John Paul Lopez Taberdo who runs a sustainable travel business in Geelong, Victoria
Transitional roars from within the city
The Sustainable Hour no 271 about a business that has declared a climate emergency, Transition Street Geelong and StopAdani
Community opens its doors to sustainable housing
An hour about Sustainable House Day Geelong, the Sun Bear Festival in Anglesea, and more Guests in The Sustainable Hour on 10 October 2018 are two house owners who open their homes on Sunday 14 October: Kerri Erler from Teesdale,