Learning by doing – Part 1: Alvyn’s green roof

The Sustainable Hour goes to the moving images: YouTube! – launching the series: ‘Learning by doing about sustainable living’

In our first outside report we are in Ocean Grove visiting Soft Loud House Architects as they put a green roof on top of their new office premise.

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Costa on the roof

In the video segment Raising the roof, ABC’s Costa from Gardening Australia meets the residents of an old block of old flats, who have worked together to create an amazing new rooftop garden, perched three storeys above a busy street in the heart of St Kilda in Melbourne. Nearly 650 square metres are filled with lawn, decks, swathes of local species, raised vegetable gardens, herbs and spots for fun.

» See Raising the roof

Information about green roofs and walls

For more information about green roofs, www.yourhome.gov.au can tell you more:

» Green roofs and walls [PDF, 9 pages, 7.6 MB]

“From the turf roofs of Viking dwellings in Scandinavia to the ‘hanging gardens’ of ancient Babylon, green roofs have a history reaching back thousands of years. Modern green roofs and walls are building elements designed to support living vegetation in order to improve a building’s performance. Also known as ‘living’ roofs and walls, they are emerging as important additions to the palette of construction techniques for creating healthy, ecologically responsible buildings.”

» Scribd | Popular Science – 13 July 2018:
To combat extreme heat, cover your roof in hungry, sweaty plants [paywall protected]
“Green roofs and white paints are a heat-buster’s best friends.”

Residential green roof in the heart of Sydney

Do it on the Roof are a Melbourne-based, green infrastructure consultancy that provide expert advice and project management in the design and construction of green roofs and green walls for residential, corporate and public spaces.

One example of their innovative work that utilises unused urban space to create a productive green oasis is this 25 metre, residential green roof installed at a home in Rozelle, Sydney. The roof includes a mixture of native and edible plants specified to achieve a low maintenance, attractive garden that produces seasonal food for residents to enjoy.”

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