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The headlines and talking heads in The Sustainable Hour on 10 April 2019:
Colin Mockett: World view
The United Nations invites the world’s leaders to a Climate Action Summit at its headquarters in New York on 23 September 2019. “Come with a plan,” says UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres as increasing natural disasters kills more and more people around the planet. Will Bill Shorten, if elected as Australia’s next Prime Minister, turn up in New York with an action plan?, asks Colin who is frustrated about recent developments in Australian politics and media. “When feeling low, listen to The Sustainable Hour,” Tony says, because today’s program is yet again an hour full of examples of people and communities that actually have a plan and are already busy with the reduction of their carbon footprints, while the politicians fumble and fail their duties because they are manipulated by fossil money.
Hepburn community: Zero by 2029
An exciting 10-year master plan for the Hepburn Shire’s community to transition to 100 per cent renewable electricity supply, zero-net energy and zero-net emissions already by 2029.
Shannon Loughnane: Walks for more action on climate emergency
Shannon is getting ready for his extremely long walk. Starting out on 20 April 2019 from Coburg in Melbourne and ending in Canberra on 14 May. He is highlighting climate emergency and wants to break through all the noise on climate change. Are you ready to step up with Shannon and sign his petition that will be presented to the Federal Parliament? He is also looking for help with accommodation along the journey. Read more below.
Sustainable People: Eating less meat
By our roving reporter Lene Foghsgaard.
Anthony Gleeson: New Extinction Rebellion group in Geelong
Tony is a long time climate campaigner. Extinction Rebellion movement had its genesis in the UK. He is helping set up a chapter in Geelong. Tony is passionate and always reminds us he is doing it for his grandchildren.
Mik Aidt: My time has come to walk the talk
Mik discusses his home GreenItYourself project, refurbishing and ensuring he is improving the sustainability and amenity of the space, including adding solar panels on the roof, disconnecting from gas, and replacing windows with double glazing.
“It’s really the kind of action we need to be seeing right now: Push through all the confusion and refuse to be sidelined.”
~ Shannon Loughnone, petitioning parliamentarians in Canberra
Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 262 on 94.7 The Pulse:
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Content of this hour
Links, excerpts and more information about what we talked about in this Sustainable Hour
Hepburn Community Transition Plan
The Hepburn Community Transition Plan ran as a pilot project through 2018 and has produced a 10-year masterplan for the Hepburn Shire’s community to transition to 100 per cent renewable electricity supply, zero-net energy and zero-net emissions by 2029. The analysis encompasses the full spectrum of opportunities associated with:
- stationary energy
- transportation
- agriculture
- waste and waste water
- land use change
All the details of the Hepburn Community Transition Plan, including the modelling, are available through creative commons, so that anyone can access it on www.z-net.org.au/hepburn.
The plan presents a three-phased roadmap of actions: quick wins, zero net energy and zero net emissions, and includes the modelled business cases for actions, cost of carbon and abatement potential.
Of particular interest is the way the emissions inventory is presented – emissions are a difficult thing for people to conceptualise. Open this link in a Chrome browser (the Explorer browser doesn’t seem to like it) and check out the electrons flowing through the different council wards, parts of the economy and end uses that can be influenced.
You can also have a play with the comparative sources of emissions across the different sectors.
The project involved Hepburn Shire, Hepburn Wind, five local sustainability groups, Sustainability Victoria, Coalition for Community Energy, Renew, and Little Sketches. It was funded by Sustainability Victoria, Hepburn Shire, Hepburn Wind, Samsø Energy Academy (Denmark) and Diversicon Environmental Foundation.

Shannon Loughnane
“Dear climate warriors!
I would like to formally invite you to the Coburg Departure Event for My Extremely Long Walk for Climate Action.
This April and May, I will be walking from my home in Melbourne to Parliament House in Canberra – approximately 700 kilometres – to protest our country’s inaction on climate change.
I will be setting out on 20 April, and would love for you to come see me off! The event will entail a few short speeches, and photos with media, before we all move off as a group – you are invited to accompany me on my way to the first stop for as long as you are able/willing!
The event will take place on 20 April 2019 from 9am at the Coburg Lake Stage.
Full details are here: www.facebook.com/events/789496381422417
Shannon Loughnane: Introducing his extremely long walk for climate action:

Mik Aidt: Time has come to walk the talk
Mik discusses his home GIY project, refurbishing and ensuring he is improving the sustainability and amenity of the space, including adding solar panels on the roof, disconnecting from gas, and replacing windows with double glazing.
“The science stacks up”?
This week both treasurer Mr Josh Frydenberg and opposition leader Mr Bill Shorten have been in media claiming that “the science stacks up” to be polluting our atmosphere with plenty more coal in the coming decades.
The world’s leading climate science authority, the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, is saying the complete opposite, though.
Their latest report from October 2018 informed the world that rich countries like Australia have to stop burning coal already by 2030, if we are to have any hope to avoid the dangerous breakdown of climate and ecosystems.
That is science.
Coal is not just a threat against “our way of life”, (as they always talk about on Sky News, while accusing ‘greenies’ for hurting the economy with unnessesary environmental concerns.) It is ignoring the existential risk of a runaway global warming catastrophe that could make our planet uninhabitable within less than a century.
It’s not just our way of life that is at stake, it is our lives as a whole, it is life on Earth these fossil fools are playing Russian Roulette with.
In no way does the science “stack up” for opening new coal mines in 2019. It is an outrageous lie. Politicians who claim “the science stacks up” are committing a crime against humanity, and will hopefully be prosecuted for this in the years to come, as the younger generation begins to have more influence on decision making in both parliaments and courts.
#TheTimeHasCome to #TellTheTruth to everyone you trust and love:
Stop this #ClimateCrime and help make this next federal election a #ClimateElection.
> Financial Review – 9 April 2019:
Adani approved by Morrison government
Adani’s groundwater approval “reeks of political interference”
“In terms of the careful language used by scientists and bureaucrats, the assessment was damning.
Adani’s key water management plan for its coal mine in Queensland was so flawed its outcomes were unreliable, scientists from the CSIRO warned federal Environment Minister Melissa Price’s department.
They were scathing about the modelling that underpinned the entire plan, which, they said, was replete with errors and false assumptions.
“The modelling used is not suitable to ensure the outcomes sought by the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act are met,” the CSIRO and Geoscience Australia stated bluntly in a joint report.
Adani’s approach was “not sufficiently robust to monitor and minimise impacts to protected environments”.
Adani had underestimated the toll on bore water that farmers in the region rely on, which would be drained more severely and more quickly than predicted, the scientists said. And the mine could drain an ecologically sensitive and ancient natural springs complex, exceeding strict limits on draw-down of the springs’ waters.
A barrier to approval?
Nothing that couldn’t be overcome.
After pressure from her Cabinet colleagues from Queensland, Ms Price gave a tick to the Adani’s groundwater-related management plan on April 8.
The decision is one her Queensland counterpart — Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch — said “reeks of political interference”.
> ABC News – 11 April 2019:
Inside Melissa Price’s decision to approve Adani’s groundwater plan

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‘Space Cadet’ is the debut single from Western Australian band Lost Thylacines.
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Podcasts and posts about climate change
We at The Sustainable Hour would like to pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we are broadcasting, the Wathaurong People, and pay our respect to their elders, past, present and future.
The traditional owners lived in harmony with the environment and with the climate for hundreds of generations. It is not clear – yet – that as European settlers we have demonstrated that we can live in harmony for hundreds of generations, but it is clear that we can learn from the indigenous, traditional owners of this land.
When we talk about the future, it means extending our respect to those children not yet born, the generations of the future – remembering the old saying that…

The decisions currently being made around Australia to ignore climate change are being made by those who won’t be around by the time the worst effects hit home. How utterly disgusting, disrespectful and unfair is that?
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The Sustainable Hour is streamed live on the Internet every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm (Melbourne time).
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“Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race.”
~ Pete Seeger, American singer