• Get wider exposure for your own petitions: add them to the list
Whenever you launch a new petition or ready-to-send email campaign, add it to the embeddable list here: www.climatesafety.info/newpetition
• Help other climate groups reach more people: embed the list on your website
Copy and paste an iframe code into your own website to embed the petition list on your own site. You won’t need to worry about updating the list – that will happen automatically every time a new petition is added to the central petition list on Google Drive.
To receive the code, contact info@climatesafety.info or admin@corenafund.org.au
Or, simply link to the list at one of the following pages
See how it works on
• www.climatesafety.info/petitions,
• www.vcan.net.au/petitions or
• www.corenafund.org.au/petitions
Embeddable list of current climate petitions – for everyone to share!
The list is reserved for climate-related petitions. They can be global, national, state or local.
Here is a banner you can post on any page, while making it clickable to the petitions page – like this: