THE REGENERATIVE HOUR: The call of the world

26TH EPISODE OF THE REGENERATIVE HOUR: Can we turn the 2020s into ‘The Regenerative Decade’? In this series of interviews about what that would imply, we talk ecology, deep adaptation, grief, compassion and passion, connecting with nature, resilience, revitalisation, restoration, revolution… – the bigger picture, in other words.

“We need conversion. We need a deep change of heart – to know ourselves as part of the whole and connected to the whole. If we love the Earth, we need to safeguard the Earth.”
~ Jan Morgan, author and lecturer, in The Regenerative Hour no 26

What the sea is saying to us

Jan Morgan and Graeme Garrett, authors of ‘On the Edge – A-way With the Ocean’, teach a practice of attention, responding to the call of the world with an open heart. “The energy for change and new ways of being in the world then comes to birth,” they say.

Zoom screenshot: Graeme Garrett and Jane Morgan

“If we let ourselves trust the love that we in some part of us still have for the natural world and let it grow, not pushing it aside as something that “belongs to the children, or “is just not hardheaded enough for our world” – all that – the energy for change then comes to birth.”
~ Jan Morgan, author and lecturer, in The Regenerative Hour no 26

Mik’s introduction notes to the hour

“The next few decades are going to feel like falling in love, setting aside everything you thought you knew and trusting that you’ll end up in a radically different place you never could have achieved on your own,” says the American meteorologist Eric Holthaus.

The Catholics talk about holding a ‘Sabbath for the Earth’:

“A Sabbath to liberate ourselves from vicious consumption; a time to allow the land and all creatures to rest from the burden of production. These days our living pushes the planet beyond its limits. Our demands for growth, and our never-ending cycle of production and consumption are exhausting our world. The forests are leached, the topsoil erodes, the fields fail, the deserts advance, the seas acidify, the storms intensify. We have not allowed the land to observe her Sabbath, and the Earth is struggling to be renewed.”
~ Excerpt from Season of Creation 2020 Prayer (PDF, p.24)

During what Pope Francis calls the Season of Creation, which runs through the month of September every year, the People and his Bishops asked us all to observe a ‘Sabbath for our planet’.

In the Sustainable Hour, we’ve started a series of interviews about the ‘Hiatus’. I see it as if we are on a ‘Stairway to Hiatus’, approaching it one step at a time – this radically different place, that Hothaus is talking about – because it is as if we’ve learned something from the Covid-crisis about slowing down, about making some radical changes in the way we live our lives, and that this is very much possible when our leaders step up and do the right thing, which is to listen to the scientists.

The Hiatus is a place in the very near future, where we’ve started reducing our personal carbon footprint significantly – not just as a sacrifice, but as part of a journey to a new low-carbon lifestyle which enriches our lives in a deep and meaningful way.

So what do we do when we are in a Hiatus and are conscious of our impact on the planet’s climate and ecosystems?

Well, in the Regenerative Hour today, you’ll learn about one thing we can all do – with the purpose of nurturing and enabling this process of “falling in love with the Earth”.

To look after nature and the Earth is another aspect of love.

I’m very pleased to welcome two clear-seeing, writers, speakers and spiritual leaders, Jan Morgan and Graeme Garrett, authors of the book ‘On The Edge’.

I don’t get to read many books, but this one, I’ve read, and it has changed something in me – it has made me start doing something new, I’ve never done before. It is about connecting with the Earth, and with its history.

In The Regenerative Hour today, you’ll learn about a ritual we can do, or further develop, to nurture and explore that feeling of falling in love.

Jan and Graeme gave a talk in Belmont Church in Geelong last year, and that was where we first met and I discovered their book. I initially ask them about their background, and whether they have a church background.

“The call of the world – can you respond with an open heart? Am I open to a world that is bigger than me, a communicative world, and can I listen, attend and make a response?”
~ Graeme Garrett, author and lecturer, in The Regenerative Hour no 26

A climate emergency is a chance for you to do your best. When you step into the game of protecting all life on this planet, asking “What can I offer?”, you’ll quickly figure out what role YOU can play in the climate fight. You get a new mission in life, and as Margaret Klein Salamon recently described it in our series of ‘Stairway to Hiatus’ interviews, her experience so far has been how rewarding it can be to make the decision to take responsibility and “go all in for all life and begin to do drastic things”, as she puts it, to be that protector of all life. This is not only about how to live in a climate emergency, this is about how to live WELL and discover an even better life somewhere new.

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How Norwegian friluftsliv brings out the best in people

Do you find it impossible to conceive your life without nature and the outdoors? Do you itch for the weekend so you can go to your cabin, or simply so you can leave your house and go for a hike? If so, we’ve got news for you: you may be Norwegian. Lorelou Dejardins has wondered about Norwegians’ love of nature for quite some time.

Author, polyglot and human rights lawyer, Lorelou is a French citizen who has lived in 9 countries and fell in love with Norway. Upon arriving, she promptly got curious about the culture and has since been trying to understand the core of it. You may actually know Lorelou from her popular blog “A Frog in the Fjord” or from her column in the Norwegian newspaper VG, where she explores the singularities of Norwegian culture.

Do you find it impossible to conceive your life without nature and the outdoors? Do you itch for the weekend so you can go to your cabin, or simply so you can leave your house and go for a hike? If so, we’ve got news for you: you may be Norwegian.

Lorelou Dejardins has wondered about Norwegians’ love of nature for quite some time. Author, polyglot and human rights lawyer, Lorelou is a French citizen who has lived in 9 countries and fell in love with Norway. Upon arriving, she promptly got curious about the culture and has since been trying to understand the core of it. You may actually know Lorelou from her popular blog “A Frog in the Fjord” or from her column in the Norwegian newspaper VG, where she explores the singularities of Norwegian culture. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Drifting towards disaster

The Ethical Corporation magazine does a deep dive into oceans

With 82% of fish being removed faster than they can repopulate and climate change and acidification reducing the oceans’ ability to absorb carbon, a crucial planetary life support system is in crisis. In the September issue of The Ethical Corporation magazine, we do a deep dive into oceans, and assess progress on efforts to rescue oceans in some of the key battlegrounds, from over-fishing to aquaculture, blue finance, microfibre pollution and offshore renewables

Download the magazine for free here

Insights include:

How the search for sustainable aquaculture sources is focusing on the deep oceans, on land and even the laboratory.

The drive to increase investment in SDG14 on the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and its resources.

How fashion brands have been slow to address the contribution of microfibres to the toxic soup of ocean plastic.

The rapid growth in offshore wind amid technology breakthroughs and surging support for green hydrogen.

The global movement to restore nature’s biodiversity

→ NCR – 16 October 2020:
Staring down climate despair through kinship
“Values that link people, nature and the spirit of God are values of deep energy. Could they be the prescription for restoring our planetary home and filling it with civilizations built around human dignity?”

Voices for Greta

Welcome to the climatesafety clubhouse – our ‘carbon clearance house’ where we focus on carbon clarity, story change and a green recovery.

Are we ready to shift our mindset and choose a different future?

I am. If you are too, let’s meet. And I don’t mean physically, for now, but in The Tunnel – the digital tunnel.

We have a members’ area on which is growing little by little. Its a space for figuring out how we can act as individuals and as a community in a climate emergency.

The choices we make right now matter. Words matter. Have a positive think about how you will step in and become part of a regenerative and transformative renewal. It’s all happening in The Tunnel. What we need to do, is get ready for the action, once we come out on the other side.
~ Mik Aidt

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“Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race.”
~ Pete Seeger, American singer

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