Sarah Hathway – one of Geelong’s longtime climate activists and a passionate anti-Viva-gashub campaigner – has been sworn into office at Geelong Council.
Tag: putclimatefirst
The deep clean in Australian politics
The emerging Independent movement is sensing the very real possibility of success at the next election.
Geelong’s carbon neutrality declaration: The speeches
A councillor dancing in response to a decision made at an ordinary Council meeting is a rare sight to say the least. However, there was good reason for the extraordinary reaction as it happened in Geelong on 23 November 2021
Political revolution in Australia driven by independents
A growing movement of independent voices in Parliament could rewrite the next 10 years for Australia.
Independent candidates put climate first
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no 377 on 25 August 2021 are Zali Steggall MP and Robert Patterson from A Different Community Approach, ADAC, for a talk about climate bills and election strategy.
City Council takes lead: carbon-neutral by 2025
Our two guests in The Sustainable Hour no 351 are the City of Greater Geelong councillors Mayor Stephanie Asher and Dr Belinda Moloney.
Paving the way to climate leadership
Our guests in the Tunnel on 18 November 2020 are two extraordinary climate leaders who are paving the way
To score or not to score
It is as much of a taboo as if we were talking about sex: Who will you be voting for in the election? Some people keep it a secret, and there can be good reasons for that, in particular when
Clever and creative women putting climate first
On 30 September 2020 The Sustainable Hour hosts a panel of ‘Put Climate First’ candidates for Geelong and one from the Surf Coast Shire for the local government elections that are rapidly approaching via our postboxes.
The Sustainable House in the age of change
The Sustainable Hour no 333 about Sustainable House Day, a ‘Put Climate First’ election campaign, The Change Agency and the school strike for climate on Friday.