Philip Sutton calls for a campaign to end all further climate damaging investments. Did anyone see the recent ABC Catalyst program on Coral Bleaching? “This summer, large parts of the Great Barrier Reef saw the hottest sea temperatures and the

Philip Sutton calls for a campaign to end all further climate damaging investments. Did anyone see the recent ABC Catalyst program on Coral Bleaching? “This summer, large parts of the Great Barrier Reef saw the hottest sea temperatures and the
Submission from Centre for Climate Safety to the Australian Government’s Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Parliament House in Canberra, regarding the Paris Agreement treaty being considered, and regarding the actions the government must take to drive emergency-speed emissions reductions in
In The Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse on 28 September 2016 we participate in a divestment action event at Vision Super’s headquarters, we hear about the climate emergency, and we jump of joy over the new climate change poll
[CLIMATIC ROOT TREATMENT] is a series of blogposts seeking to uncover and understand the deeper roots of society’s problems with taking appropriate action on the climate emergency, and to explore the advantages we could see once the action sets in.
Our guests and speakers in The Sustainable Hour on 21 September 2016 are senator Janet Rice, marine ecologist Alastair Hirst, anti-fracking campaigner Naomi Hogan, and Dr Alex Teytelboym from Oxford University. Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 140 on 94.7
As it looks from our studio window at 94.7 The Pulse, this Sustainable Hour marks the beginning of a new era in Victoria where a fourth of all Australians from now on stand united with one common goal: a sustainable
A rare phenomena in politics: Premier Daniel Andrews pays respect to the future generations, not just with a kiss for the photographer, but with a long-term plan for how Victoria will become a carbon-free society during the next three decades.
Simone Boer and Tim Hellsten from City of Greater Geelong explain about the exciting ‘Our Future’ project which the city council launched on 1 September 2016 with an aim to create a conversation with at least 25,000 of the city’s
You can’t judge climate sceptics as if they are all the same. They come in various sizes and shapes, with different motivations, and we need to be able to distinguish sceptics from deniers, trolls from laggards. We have seen their
Guests in the studio: Daniel ‘Sully’ Sullivan, Sarah Hathway and Lois Newman. Prerecorded interview: Tim Flannery, author. More info below. Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 136 on 94.7 The Pulse: » To open or download this programme in mp3-format,