On United Nations’ International Youth Day, The Sustainable Hour gives voice to an intergenerational call for climate action. In brief: Grandparents for a Safe Earth’s advice to the youth: get involved! Alan Barlee’s advice to the elders: divest! Guest in
Tag: The Sustainable Hour
International Youth Day in The Sustainable Hour
Listen to this week’s news bulletin from Jack Nyhof in The Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse: 12 August 2015 was the United Nations’ International Youth Day, and inspired by this, Jack Nyhof also produced this special report from Geelong
Be the change of consciousness
Rewriting ‘The Australian Dream’ with a change of consciousness. Today we explore whether that journey to a more sustainable world which many of us would like to see our governments set out on, really must begin somewhere else: somewhere inside
How Barwon Health is becoming a greener health service
With 6,500 staff across 21 sites, Barwon Health is the largest employer in Geelong region, and one of the largest and most comprehensive regional health services in all of Australia. Our guests in the sustainable studio on 94.7 The Pulse
Spreading of Seed: Climate action among young Aboriginals
Seed is Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network and is part of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition which has 120,000 members. The youth is shaking the tree! In the 82nd Sustainable Hour on 22 July 2015 on 94.7 The Pulse,
Three brave Australians’ sustainability pilgrimages
Today, The Sustainable Hour introduces you to three adventurous Australians who went one big step further to spread the message about the urgent need for change as far as our environmental impact and carbon footprint is concerned. Mary Beth Gundrum
Reasons why gas mining in Victoria must be stopped
A radio podcast for politicians and decision makers in the Victorian state parliament about the prospects of turning farmland into industrial gasfields. 1.3 million hectares of land in Victoria is threatened by onshore gas mining. The 80th Sustainable Hour on
The big news about climate and our health
A new global health report calls climate change a ‘health emergency’, but also an opportunity. Citizens are taking legal action against their own governments’ inaction on climate change because it is going to harm the nation. And in Holland, they
A breath of fresh air
Why is Pope Francis’ teaching letter, the encyclical, so significant? Because it has brought the questions around not just climate change, but to Australians more specifically coal mining and onshore gas mining into the moral’s sphere of the total element
People, power and tipping points: Anglesea residents want a say
It is solstice, a turning point – and in Anglesea as well as globally, it is ‘coalstice’. The beginning of the end for using coal to produce electricity. The 77th Sustainable Hour on 17 June 2015 on 94.7 The Pulse