Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 508 are Celia Leverton from Regen Agriculture Network Tasmania, and John Seed – a long time rainforest activist and deep ecology advocate.

Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 508 are Celia Leverton from Regen Agriculture Network Tasmania, and John Seed – a long time rainforest activist and deep ecology advocate.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour podcast episode no. 507 are Violet CoCo and Brad Homewood from Extinction Rebellion Victoria.
Our guests in this week’s episode are Tasmanian permaculturist Neysan Pertl from The Soil Guru, and climate activists Kanchana and Pasini from Sri Lanka.
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 505 is an anonymous agroecology activist from India. We also hear two activists speaking at oil companies’ AGMs.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 504 are Tim Schmidt, president of the Australian Hemp Council, and sustainable fashion designer Simi Diskin.
Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 503 is Joppe from Sweden who lives in Solbyn, an Intentional Village. We also listen to speeches by Julie Saylor-Briggs and Wayne Jury.
Our guests on The Sustainable Hour number 502 are green grandma and author Linda Mary Wagner and sociologist Terry Leahy.
Guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 501 is David Dudley, founder of Tidy Up Townsville. We also listen to insights from Bill McKibben and Layne Beachley AO.
The Sustainable Hour celebrates our 500th episode by raising the Earth flag and planting a tree. Our guests are carbon consultant Heidi Fog and author Michael Sheldrick.
Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 499 are former corporate lawyer Robert Hinkley and filmmaker Michael Shaw. We also play two excerpts of talks by professor and author Jem Bendell.