Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no. 511 is Mark Carter, co-founder of Flight Free Australia.
Tag: flying
Flight free for our health outdoors
The Sustainable Hour no 329 with dr David King, Mark Carter, Alex Mungell, Vicki Adams and Tom O’Connor
First responders seize their Coldplay moment
In The Sustainable Hour on 4 December 2019, Mik Aidt has just returned from a speaker-trip in New Zealand, where he talked about the emerging ‘Pause Movement’ and the impact which a wave of ‘Coldplay Moments’ could trigger
#ZeroCarbon2025: Stop flying and ditch the car
“My generation won’t be able to fly other than for emergencies in a foreseeable future, if we are to be the least bit serious about the 1.5 degree warming limit…”