Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 492 are Steven Hail and Gabi Bond from Modern Monetary Laboratory and Mark Tilly from Carbon Pulse.

Our guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 492 are Steven Hail and Gabi Bond from Modern Monetary Laboratory and Mark Tilly from Carbon Pulse.
Guests in the 352nd Sustainable Hour are environmental law honours student Sonya McKay, Simon Copland from Green Agenda, Rod Mitchell from Citizens Climate Lobby Australia, and more.
The lesson from Australia’s abolished carbon tax and France’s cancelled petrol tax is that it is extremely important that it is done in such a way that is reasonable and fair, and is carefully explained so that it is also perceived by the wider public in that way
Corporate leaders and employees in the world of business and trade, and editors and journalists in the media world: You, not the politicians, hold the key to saving this planet — and your own children — from a climate catastrophe.