The CO2-pollution crisis is just as serious as if a large asteroid were on a collision course towards Earth, says a British scientist, and he is backed by calculations from Canadian and US scientists which show that runaway greenhouse effect
Category: World affairs
Message to world leaders from 520 scientists
If you have never signed a petition or endorsed a paper, now should be your first time. The paper that I think you should sign is a newly published ‘Message to world leaders’, which is already endorsed by 520 scientists
The real value of cycling
Cycling is not only good for your health, it is also profitable for society. A new study from Denmark shows that sick leave drops by one day per 1,200 kilometres travelled on the cycle track, and what is spent on
Wake-up call for European industry and media
Corporate leaders and employees in the world of business and trade, and editors and journalists in the media world: You, not the politicians, hold the key to saving this planet — and your own children — from a climate catastrophe.
The climate crisis as a business opportunity
33 leading U.S. and multinational companies have joined in the struggle to solve what is currently mankind’s worst headache ever: the carbon emissions and the catastrophic climate change they can possibly cause. Through a coordinated effort by businesses and consumers,
Crowdfunding to cancel fossil fuel subsidies
This blog-post touches upon three absurdities of our time, and a new tool to work around them: crowdfunding. The three absurdities of March 2013 are: • Governments donate 1.9 trillion dollars annually as public subsidies to the fossil fuel industry,
Measuring what matters: sustainable well-being
The Happy Planet Index, allegedly ‘the leading global measure of sustainable well-being’, shows the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them. The Danes rank as No 110 on the list of
Maldives enters art space
Disappearance as ‘work in progress’: The Maldives is estimated to disappear under the ocean in the year 2080. Think about it. Here is this beautiful island country – the planet’s lowest country, rising an average of 1.5 meter above the
Action: the largest climate rally in U.S. history
“After aerial shots, official estimate of #ForwardOnClimate rally is 50,000 people” – making it the largest climate action ever in United States history. organiser Joshua Kahn Russell Update on 22 March 2013 – 22 March 2013: Dozens Arrested
How the UN and the world community take action
Exploring key outcomes of Rio+20 and the way forward, the first in a series of ‘Sustainable Development in Action’ Google+ Hangouts, an online video conference, was hosted by DESA’s Division for Sustainable Development on 12 February 2013 on the UN