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Dispatching from the climate emergency bunker on 13 March 2019: Rebellion and risking arrest by protesting how industries and governments are wrecking our planet’s climate and ecosystems – with blood of our children spilling in the streets and a sermon in church about death… This does not turn into a Sustainable Hour of darkness and sadness, as it could maybe sound like, on the contrary we find ourselves uplifted and energised because our guests and speakers introduce us to what could turn out to be the only genuine solution to the climate crisis.
#ClimateElection: Time to tell the truth
15:33 Psychologist Jane Morton, author of the booklet ‘Don’t mention the emergency?’, talks about how non-violent direct action can make more people aware of the urgency of the climate emergency.
From early involvement in the declaration of the climate emergency and the spreading of the extinction rebellion in Australia, the road of taking action has at times been a risk to her. ‘Don’t mention the emergency’ was penned from her knowledge of psychology and understanding that other campaigns, like smoking, told how harmful the current situation is and urges the climate leaders and scientist not be afraid to state the truth about the dangers of climate change. The emergency is real with our planet.
23:00 Rev Chris Hedges from the pulpit talks about death of the individual and the collective death of humans. He lifts up the issue of sixth great move of destruction due to our binge on fossil fuel.
48:00 An excerpt from David Wallace-Wells being interviewed by Tom Clarke in ITV News
#ClimateStrike: How we support the school strikers
06:29 We play a recording from the Sustainable Living Festival, where four students presented the forum ‘Schooled’ about the school strikes for climate action.
32:17 Artists support the school striking kids: Andrea Robertson, Dallas Holden and Ralph McTell
#ClimateBashing: How we talk with one another about climate change
33:53 In a talk with Seda Moos, Lene Foghsgaard brings us her 12th ‘Sustainable People’ report, part two in her series about Climate Bashing. Seda Moos is studying to become a teacher and she is both very passioned about sustainability and acting in a more sustainable way. She explains how she acts in daily life where one of her goals about becoming a teacher is to help educate children to live caring, responsible and ressourceful lives.
#SustainableLiving: Down to earth
01:09 Colin Mockett presents a toilet roll, produced by Pure Planet, in his World View, and as the news about George Pell’s full sentencing ticks in, we also talk about his secret fossil fuel industry advocacy work promoting climate science denial.
11:30 Steven Reddington, Senior Planner, Environment, Barwon Water, asks the Geelong community to apply to join the water authority’s Environmental Advisory Committee. Applications close on 24 March 2019.
“This is the moment for peaceful but disruptive rebellion.”
~ Jane Morton, Australian psychologist
Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 258 on 94.7 The Pulse:
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“You are never too small to make a difference.”
~ Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old Swedish climate activist

and have plans for two more coming soon. To chip in, click on the photo.
Content of this hour
Links, excerpts and more information about what we talked about in this Sustainable Hour
“Humans are basically heard animals, and part of how we judge whether something is an emergency is by looking and seeing what are our leaders doing…”
~ Jane Morton, psychologist
Here are the powerpoint slides which Jane Morton presented the same evening at Beav’s Bar in Geelong.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019 at 12:30 to 1:30pm
Australian Catholic University, Room 420.2.80A, Level 2 Mary Glowery Building • 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Melbourne
As the earth heats up and tipping points pass, scientists are warning we risk ecosystem collapse and the deaths of billions of people. It’s time to tell the truth about the dangers we face. It’s time to declare a climate emergency. It’s time to rebel. Hear from Extinction Rebellion activist Jack Dean how we can work together to bring about an emergency transition to zero emissions and beyond – before it’s too late.
RSVP here.
“Taking part in ‘WHAT IF?’ – the trailer to relaunch amazing blockbuster Age Of Stupid – was really emotional. Imagining what it would feel like if we really *do* get off collision course with climate chaos is so powerful. Let’s do it! Watch the film.”
Caroline Lucas

Declaration Day in Australia is on 22 March 2019 in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney where Australian rebels simultaneously will gather at government buildings to demand that their government declare a climate emergency.
More details, including meeting times and specific locations, are on their Facebook event page
Posted on EXTINCTION REBELLIONs Facebook page on 21 March 2019
☠️WARNING: Climate breakdown and ecological collapse are a direct existential threat to us all. You, your family, and everything you love are at risk. Without immediate and decisive action, we face extinction.
‘The Extinction Rebellion is a necessity. Our political establishment has failed to protect its people from pollution, prevent further mass extinction of species on earth and prevent the possibility of human extinction in the near future. Therefore we must rebel to protect the livelihood of citizens and our natural world, or risk losing everything we cherish. ’
We are already in the 6th mass extinction of life on Earth, with 200 species lost every day. Every month, there is more extreme weather – floods, wildfires, droughts, and crop failures which could soon lead to famine. Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost to climate breakdown every year. Ecocidal industries continue to profit over this destruction without care for human or non-human life. The media have failed to tell you the full, brutal truth of how dire the environmental crisis is. And your government has failed to act accordingly, instead prioritising money and profit over life. They have us all headed for extinction – this toxic system is killing us.
Another world is possible, and the solutions are within reach. All that is missing is the political will, and a true democracy in which our voices are heard. To save ourselves, it’s going to take everything we’ve got. So we have to join together and act now, uniting in Rebellion to protect life on Earth.
On October 31st 2018 we declared ourselves in Rebellion against the UK Government for its criminal inaction on tackling climate breakdown and ecological collapse. We repeatedly shut down London’s streets and targeted government buildings with acts of mass civil disobedience, challenging and disrupting the Business-as-Usual that has us and nature headed for extinction.
Since then, hundreds of independent XRebel groups have formed in dozens of countries. Each is organising and taking action to pressure their local Government bodies, and disrupt the industries that are destroying our planet and our future for the sake of profit.
We won’t stop until society changes course,
Until true democracy comes to these lands,
Until we all start heading for a better world and a brighter future.
How you can get involved: Visit our website where you find your local group and sign up for the Rebellion. Like and share our Facebook page and come to our events.
Follow us on social media: we’re on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Mastodon and Snapchat (@xrebellion-uk), and we have a blog. Read an interview with us and our diary.
If you can’t come to our events but still want to support us, you can donate here, or PayPal payments can be made to info@risingup.org.uk. We’ll see you on the streets on April 15th 2019 for the International Rebellion.”
See the Facebook post
– Greta Thunberg at COP24
– Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit 1992
– Kalki and Oddwave – The Human Heart
Mixed by my dedicated friend Rune, at the Rebel For Future Base

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In other news
From our notes of this week: news stories and events we didn’t have time to mention but which we think you should know about
Letters to the Earth: Deadline for submissions
Submit your written letters of response to the climate and ecological emergency for presentation at theatres and arts venues across the country on 12 April 2019, a day of joint action from the cultural sector. This can be a letter to or from the earth, past or future generations, those in power, other species. The idea is open to interpretation: it can come from a personal place, be dramatic in form, be a call to action. The invitation is open to all – to think beyond the human narrative and to bear witness to the scale and horror of this crisis.
The pieces will be made rights free and available for anyone to download and present anywhere in the world from 15–28 April as part of the Rebellion.
Deadline: Friday 29 March 2019 at midnight, UK time
Email your submissions to letterstotheearth@gmail.com – subject line ‘Letter’
Find out more on www.letterstotheearth.com
Fossil industry uses billions to obstruct global climate policy
Since the Paris Agreement, 33 global banks have poured $1.9 trillion into financing fossil fuel projects worldwide, found one report. JPMorgan Chase has been leading the pack, and overall banks have been increasing investments in climate-changing fossil fuel projects.
Since 2016, the world’s five largest listed oil and gas companies spent more than $1 billion on lobbying against climate action and against mitigating policies, while advertising to the public their “support” for climate action.
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“Top decision-makers place extreme weather events and the failure of policies to address climate change as the top two high-probability, high-impact risks facing the world. Yet there often appears to be a wide gulf between the priority top decision-makers give to climate issues and the public’s level of concern.
This gap matters for two reasons: first, because politicians will only adopt policies to address climate change if there is strong demand from their electorates. Second, because many of the most effective actions to manage climate-related risks need to be taken at the household level, like the decision to invest in strengthening your house to withstand strong winds, or whether to evacuate in response to a storm warning.”
» World Economic Forum – 20 March 2019:
If people aren’t responding to climate warnings, we need to change the message
How ecological grief can put what we value into perspective
“You can find a lot of hope in the insights or actions that arise from environmental grief. Because every time we mourn the loss of something we love — whether a person or place or species or habitat — it puts into perspective what really matters in our lives. Maybe ecological grief and anger and outrage could give us not just resiliency but also resolve. “To protect what we love” and prevent more loss going forward.”
~ Jennifer Atkinson, senior lecturer in environmental humanities at the University of Washington Bothell
Medium – 25 January 2019:
Climate Change’s Hidden Victim: Your Mental Health
“A controversial new class argues that you can’t begin to address the environmental impacts of global warming until you address the psychological ones”
» The Guardian – 21 March 2019:
Tim Flannery: people are shocked about climate change but they should be angry
”The author and scientist, who has returned to his roots at the Australian Museum, says the world is about to see a major shift towards climate action. Tim Flannery laments that young Australians today will never be able to experience in the same way the natural wonders he enjoyed in his youth.”
A new comprehensive study of climate change has painted over 5 million pictures of humanity’s potential future, and few foretell an Earth that has not severely warmed. But with immediate action and some luck, there are pathways to a tolerable climate future, according to a research team led by Tufts University.
EurekAlert – 11 March 2019:
Few pathways to an acceptable climate future without immediate action, according to study
“Aggressive and immediate investments in reducing carbon dioxide emissions are key for securing a tolerable climate for future generations.”
» CNBC – 21 March 2019:
Oil and gas usage seeing significant global growth, Enquest CEO says (video)
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Podcasts and posts about climate change
We at The Sustainable Hour would like to pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we are broadcasting, the Wathaurong People, and pay our respect to their elders, past, present and future.
The traditional owners lived in harmony with the environment and with the climate for hundreds of generations. It is not clear – yet – that as European settlers we have demonstrated that we can live in harmony for hundreds of generations, but it is clear that we can learn from the indigenous, traditional owners of this land.
When we talk about the future, it means extending our respect to those children not yet born, the generations of the future – remembering the old saying that…

The decisions currently being made around Australia to ignore climate change are being made by those who won’t be around by the time the worst effects hit home. How utterly disgusting, disrespectful and unfair is that?
Streaming live
The Sustainable Hour is streamed live on the Internet every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm (Melbourne time).
» To listen to the program on your computer or phone, click here – or go to www.947thepulse.com where you then click on ‘Listen Live’ on the right.
Podcast archive
Over 200 hours of sustainable podcasts
Listen to all of The Sustainable Hour radio shows in full length:
» Archive on climatesafety.info – with additional links
» Archive on itunes.apple.com – iPhone friendly
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“Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race.”
~ Pete Seeger, American singer