We played this video for the Viva Energy Gas Terminal Inquiry and Advisory Committee on 21 July 2022. Transcript below. → If you agree with us that this gas terminal should not be allowed to go ahead, you can add

We played this video for the Viva Energy Gas Terminal Inquiry and Advisory Committee on 21 July 2022. Transcript below. → If you agree with us that this gas terminal should not be allowed to go ahead, you can add
How do you tackle climate change without actually talking climate change? Government Drought Spokesperson @GretaLeeJackson provides the answers #Tonightly pic.twitter.com/z7q06RShmm — Tonightly (@tonightly) August 30, 2018 Everyone in Australia can see it. It’s not at all funny – though Tom
“Oil drives you crazy. Oil corrupts politics. Oil buys politicians.” ~ Jeffrey D. Sachs, American economist and director of The Earth Institute We Don’t Have Time trailer. More info below “This is the most dramatic story the human family has ever
“The committee notes the consensus from the evidence that climate change is exacerbating threats and risks to Australia’s national security. These include sea level rise, bushfires, droughts, extreme rainfall events, and higher-intensity cyclones.” ~ Quote from Chapter 6, ‘Conclusions and
“What is clear is that Mr Milner is familiar with the revolving door between politics and lobbying. He spent 18 months as Bill Shorten’s chief of staff — helping hone the strategy that nearly carried Labor to victory at the
“[Offshore wind energy] has dropped 70 per cent in two years! The International Energy Agency thought that might have happened by 2030, 2040… It’s happened today. And that’s technology for you. That’s finance for you. That’s game over. But the
First some good news: Australia’s dirtiest power station, Hazelwood, has closed down. And it is the ninth and largest coal-burning power station to close in the past five years in Australia. However, there are 20 coal power stations remaining in
The greatest threat humanity has ever been confronted with is not climate change. It is us, human beings, and the way we have organised ourselves in democracies where money flows both openly and secretly back and forth between powerful commercial
Philip Sutton calls for a campaign to end all further climate damaging investments. Did anyone see the recent ABC Catalyst program on Coral Bleaching? “This summer, large parts of the Great Barrier Reef saw the hottest sea temperatures and the
[CLIMATIC ROOT TREATMENT] is a series of blogposts seeking to uncover and understand the deeper roots of society’s problems with taking appropriate action on the climate emergency, and to explore the advantages we could see once the action sets in.