The Sustainable Hour no 329 with dr David King, Mark Carter, Alex Mungell, Vicki Adams and Tom O’Connor
Tag: travelling
THE REGENERATIVE HOUR: A relationship to the planet
In The Regenerative Hour no 7 we talk with Chief Purpose Officer Leigh Barnes from Intrepid Travel – a “global leader in delivering sustainable experience-rich travel”
#ZeroCarbon2025: Stop flying and ditch the car
“My generation won’t be able to fly other than for emergencies in a foreseeable future, if we are to be the least bit serious about the 1.5 degree warming limit…”
Pioneers of our carbon neutral future
The more we spend and the richer we are, the more we pollute. The world’s richest 10 per cent produce half of all carbon emissions, according to a recent Oxfam study. A person among the richest one per cent produces