Despite the often gloomy news cycle, there are beacons of progress lighting up the path forward.
Tag: good news
Good news we take with us into 2023
New Year is a time to take a breather, recharge the batteries and lift the glasses, while reflecting on both the wins and the failures of the year that went by. 2022 was a year flooded with bad news, however
Wellbeing as in love, laughter and zero waste
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 428 are Kirsty Bishop-Fox, founder of Zero Waste Festival, and Laura Grufas, national community organiser in Australian Parents for Climate Action
Reuse, reduce, DANCE, recycle, repeat
In The Sustainable Hour no. 426, we welcome Mik Aidt back from his two weeks in Denmark. The tables are turned on him as he becomes our guest.
How emergency can lead to co-operation and excitement
Guests in The Sustainable Hour no. 422 on 27 July 2022 are Rochelle Rich and Dawn O’Neill. We also play clips from the American president and the UN General-Secretary.
Surprising energy news and ideas in The Tunnel
Guests in The Sustainable Hour on 1 April 2020 are Brad Homewood, Coral Bleach and Lignite Pitt QC, Tim Buckley, Petra Goerschel and Silja Nyboe Andersen
I hereby declare The Story as changed
The strategy of getting more councils and governments to declare a climate emergency is changing the story. Why is that important?
Headlines of good news we tend to overlook
In particular in the field of renewable energy, 2018 gave us many landmark moments and remarkable news headlines that called for optimism. Though frustratingly slowly, the story is changing.
Zero carbon companies gather momentum
488 companies have set their own emissions reduction targets Companies representing around one eighth of total global market capitalisation are now using climate science to define their future direction of travel. Over 130 new corporates have made science-based emissions reduction
The things that give us new energy
Some big, scary news about the climate emergency is coming at us on a daily basis – but there is tonnes of good news to take notice of as well. Such as when the news ticked in from Montgomery County