Welcome to the 33rd Sustainable Hour on a wet and windy day in July – which is not going to keep us from talking about the sun – about solar energy and solutions to the climate change problems. Today we are going to be talking honestly and seriously about this serious and urgent issue.
We apologise in advance: The Sustainable Hour is going to get inconvenient today. Because we need to talk about what will be able to cause that breakthrough which can put us on a pathway back to a safe – or at least safer – climate. A topic which was discussed in-depth at a conference in Melbourne on 21-22 June 2014. And not the absurd way climate change and carbon tax is currently being debated in the Australian senate.
Politicians, CEOs and a high percentage of citizens try to turn science into a system of belief because it would be so convenient for their businesses if climate change wasn’t really occuring. But they slash we are fooling ourselves. It is happening.
So let’s move on and start talking seriously about what we are going to do about it.
“The cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action”
The World Bank
We have prepared three short audio excerpts from the conference for you which highlight the urgent need to respond to the climate crisis, and we discuss the possibilities of restoring a safe climate. As our elected leaders fail to face up to the extreme seriousness of climate change impacts, we are specifically calling out to young people and artists to get their acts together now, join forces with each other – and with climate action groups and with media outlets such as The Sustainable Hour and initiatives like The Climate Mobilization and Culture|Future Clubs – to help mobilise broader public awareness about these issues.
40 percent of Australians don’t know how long it takes the Earth to travel around the sun, according to Australian Academy of Science. These same 40 percent need to be included in the learning process on why investing in and voting for renewables is urgent.
• Conference speech excerpts by David Spratt, Ian Dunlop, and Philip Sutton
• Pre-recorded interview with David Robinson, LIVE
Listen to The Sustainable Hour no. 33:
» To open or download this programme in mp3-format, right-click here (Mac: CTRL + click)
» Subscribe to ‘The Sustainable Hour’ podcast — via iTunes or via your own podcast/RSS software
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LIVE’s solar engagement model
In the interview in this week’s Sustainable Hour, David Robinson from Locals Into Victoria’s Environment (LIVE) talks about the three projects they promote to engage people in becoming part of the solution:
• Solar Panel Bulk Buy – for people who own the house the live in and want to put solar on their roof
• The Community Solar Project – for people who rent and want to own solar on a community owned roof.
• GetUp Better Power Partnership – for people who want to change from AGL, Origin or Australian Energy to a 100% green electricity retailer, Powershop.
Audio excerpt
Listen to the interview with David Robinson:
» To open or download this mp3 audio file, right-click here (Mac: CTRL + click)
» Home page of Locals Into Victoria’s Environment: live.org.au
» David Robinson’s profile on linkedin.com
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Community-owned renewable energy
• Community-Owned Renewable Energy: A How To Guide
This guide is intended as a first port of call to get an idea of how to start a community owned renewable energy project. After reading the guide we hope you will have the confidence to go and talk to relevant organisations and read more of the many detailed resources available to help you on your journey to developing your own community renewable energy project. The How To Guide was prepared with the financial assistance of the NSW Government.
» Download the report on: www.cpagency.org.au
“Scraping or reducing Australia’s Renewable Energy Target would shelve $12-21 billion of investment in clean energy, cut 7,000-11,000 future jobs in wind and solar industries every year, lead to higher power prices for consumers and deliver power companies $6-12 billion of extra revenue from 2015 to 2020.”
Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Modelling options for Australia’s RET Review, 16 May 2014
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► Jamie Dunmore: ‘My call for humanity’
Spoken poetry
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► Josh Rachlis: ‘An Inconvenient Proposal’
A love song for Laurie David
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“You already know enough. So do I. It is not the knowledge we lack. What is missing is the courage to understand what we know and draw conclusions.”
Sven Lindquist
“What is the difference between a 2°C world and a 4°C world? Human civilisation!”
Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
“If you have got a population of nine billion by 2050 and you hit 4°C, 5°C or 6°C, you might have half a billion people surviving.”
Kevin Anderson, Deputy Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
“There is no certainty that adaptation to a 4°C world is possible.”
Quote from the report ‘Turn Down the Heat’ published by the World Bank in 2012
Breakthrough conference on climate restoration
On 21-22 June 2014, over 300 people attended the Breakthrough 2014 National Climate Restoration Forum which delivered an opoortunity for participants to discover pathways to safe climate restoration.
With local, interstate and international delegates participating in the event, the strength of the Forum was reflected by the desire to establish a powerful response to the climate emergency beyond current climate action. The forum articulated a new strategy paradigm, exposing science, economics, politics and social change for safe climate restoration.
Ian Dunlop, who formerly chaired the Australian Coal Association, said that “Inaction to date has cut off our options to make the transition to low carbon economies in good order. Avoiding a 4°C world (of mass death and catastrophes) requires global emissions to peak in 3-4 years, then decline rapidly at around 9% per annum, then drawdown carbon from atmosphere.”
Several presenters used the example of a wartime economy to describe how we could make the rapid transition to sustainability.
» A summary of Breakthrough 2014 and speaker presentations can be found online here: www.breakthrough2014.org
Philip Sutton: A safe climate is possible
When we say ‘safe climate’ do we really know what it means? What would be required to reverse the damage to the climate system and return to safe conditions? In his presentation at Breakthrough, Philip Sutton made a case for adopting climate targets that wind back dangerous global warming.
» View Philip Sutton’s full presentation: www.breakthrough2014.org
David Spratt: No carbon budget left to burn
“We have no carbon budget left for burning of fossils fuels – emergency action is now the only viable path.”
David Spratt
Breakthrough 2014 keynote speaker David Spratt reveals what he sees as the real budget emergency.
» See more Breakthrough presentations on www.vimeo.com/breakthrough2014
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“History will judge us”
“Decades from now, history will judge all of us, and as citizens of the world’s largest coal export port we have more opportunity than most to stand up to the influence of coal and gas interests in our democracy. The world will not continue to buy more coal forever and, as a city, we deserve a plan for the future. But, as always, it’s up to us.”
Jonathan Moylan – a Newcastle activist campaigning against coal
OPINION: History will judge us all on coal and climate
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Janet Rice, one of Victoria’s new senators, delivered a strong speech on 8 July 2014 in the Australian parliament on climate and against the repeal of the price on pollution.
Janet Rice studied climate science and she knows what must be done to protect our way of life from the devastating effects of climate change. She had just taken her seat in the Senate the same week.
Published on youtube.com on 8 July 2014.
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“Sleepwalking into disaster”
Bill Shorten, leader of the Australian Labor Party, spoke to the Australian Parliament on 13 July 2014 about Labor’s climate change policy
“We all have choices in history. Some are more important than others. Today we can embrace the extreme risk of doing nothing. And when, in the future, it is proved to be wrong, the costs will not be measured by a wry laugh, an embarrassed smile or a belated and sincere expression of regret from the government. No apology will suffice. It will be forever remembered as your greatest folly. Not because we were responsible, but because this parliament did not accept our responsibility.”
An edited version of Bill Shorten’s speech was published in The Guardian on 14 July 2014:
“Australia has a choice: join others to combat climate change, or stand alone”
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“Intergenerational theft”
Senator Christine Milne, leader of the Australian Greens, speaks in the Senate on 15 July 2014 on the legislation to repeal the carbon tax and the emissions trading scheme. “This is intergenerational theft,” she stated.
“Voting for the abolition of the clean energy package is voting for failure: failure to face up to the four to six degrees of warming that we are currently on a trajectory to reach, failure to do our fair share globally in the effort to constrain global warming to less than two degrees and failure to take up the opportunities, the jobs, the innovation in the green powered future. But the greatest failure is that those who vote for abolition of the clean energy bills are imposing on our children a harder life. They are imposing on our children a higher degree of anxiety about the world in which they live and imposing on them a far less awesome planet than we have now. That is not leadership; it is intergenerational theft. The Prime Minister and every single member who votes for the abolition of the energy bills are engaging in intergenerational theft.”
» Transript of Christine Milne’s speech: www.australianpolitics.com
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“When we talk about climate change, we talk about what we ‘believe’ rather than what the the science actually reveals. The average Australian has a perception that no more than 58 percent of climate scientists agree on human-caused climate change – at a time when 97 percent actually agree on the science. Even so, an Australian senator climates that it is ‘outragous’ to say the science on climate change is settled.”
Ginger Briggs in The Big Issue, May 2014
“A 4°C temperature increase probably means a global carrying capacity below 1 billion people”
Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Bloomberg – 9 July 2014:
Fix the Climate Problem? Easy. Cut U.S. Emissions to 1901 Levels
A draft report prepared for the United Nations suggests, out loud, what the U.S. needs to do about climate change: Cut emissions to one-tenth of current levels, per person, in less than 40 years. Article by Eric Roston
“Inaction over climate change costs lives. And in the case of European inaction, it is estimated that this could one day cost 200,000 lives a year. That is the warning in a new European Commission (EC) study, which also says that failing to take the necessary action could commit European taxpayers to at least US$259 billion a year in economic losses.”
» Continue reading…
Climate News Network – 13 July 2014:
Europe faces deadly cost for climate inaction
A failure to act to reduce the impacts of climate change oould cost Europe dear in lives lost and economic damage, according to a European Commission study.
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UN message to world leaders on climate action
The United Nations network Sustainable Development Solutions Network has created a Message on Climate Change to World Leaders which states, in part:
“Human-induced climate change is an issue beyond politics. It transcends parties, nations, and even generations. For the first time in human history, the very health of the planet, and therefore the bases for future economic development, the end of poverty, and human wellbeing, are in the balance. If we were facing an imminent threat from beyond Earth, there is no doubt that humanity would immediately unite in common cause. The fact that the threat comes from within – indeed from ourselves – and that it develops over an extended period of time does not alter the urgency of cooperation and decisive action.
The world has agreed to limit the mean temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Centigrade (2°C). Even a 2°C increase will carry us to dangerous and unprecedented conditions not seen on Earth during the entire period of human civilization.”
» Read and sign the letter here: www.unsdsn.org/climate-letter
Draw the line at 2 degrees
This is your moment as a global citizen and leader to raise your voice to head off disastrous climate change. Add your name with many of the world’s leading scientists and climate experts to an urgent message to world leaders.
We’ve just about run out of time to keep the rise of global temperature below 2°C (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
Even 2°C is enough to create chaos in many parts of the world: higher sea levels, more floods, droughts, ocean acidification, heat waves and extreme storms. The world promised to act in 2010, but instead emissions have kept on rising. We are running out of time to stay within 2°C. Yet, we can still succeed if all major economies of the world begin to take strong and consistent actions to decarbonize their national energy systems and reduce emissions from land-use change.
Please join this urgent message for delivery at the United Nations Climate Summit on 23 September 2014, and please share this message widely with your own networks of friends, colleagues, students and other associates so that they, too, add their names to this urgent appeal.
The Earth Institute
» Read and sign the letter here: www.unsdsn.org/climate-letter
Share! Encourage others!
We encourage you to help Sustainable Development Solutions Network spread the message by sharing via your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and in particular: email.
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“The cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action”
The World Bank
As the science is unequivocal, the economic case for climate action clear, and the public demand for change growing, it is now up to governments to create the political frameworks need to increase the scale and speed of the transition.
The Ban Ki-Moon climate summit in New York in September, the UN climate talks in Lima in December and the crucial Paris summit in 2015 are crucial moments for world leaders to position themselves “on the right side of history”.
Tree Alerts
» Read more from The Tree: www.treealerts.org
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“We need a World War II level mobilization to fight climate change. The Climate Mobilization has a political platform and social movement strategy to get us there.”
The Climate Mobilization
The Climate Mobilization
The Climate Mobilization is a growing group of people who know that climate change threatens the collapse of civilization within this century. They have dedicated themselves to fighting the threat of climate change as effectively as possible.
They believe, along with many well-respected scientists and environmental analysts, that the only way to preserve a climate that is safe, stable, and supportive of human civilization is to fight climate change with a World War II-scale mobilization.
» Crowdfunding page (ends on 22 July 2014): www.indiegogo.com
» Introducing The Climate Mobilization: Slideshow
» The Climate Psychologist: The Solution
» Landing page: www.indiegogo.com/…#gallery
» Home page: www.theclimatemobilization.org
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‘Climate Victory’ campaign
World War II-style propaganda posters: call to artists
“The climate movement faces an uphill fight to defeat fossil fuels and decarbonize our economy. Our opponents are entrenched, well-funded, and out to stop us at all costs – but we’re winning victories every day, and we’re going to win the war.
That’s why today a group of advocates has launched the ‘Climate Victory’ campaign (350.org, the Creative Action Network, Green Patriot Posters, and Marcacci) – to rally our side around the ways we win and motivate people around the world to share what winning the climate fight means to them.
These reimagined World War II-style propaganda posters are powerful messages to spread as we gain ground in the fight to save our way of life.
We want to spread the message far and wide to inspire as many new submissions and as many new climate victories as possible:
Artists can submit designs on any clean energy or climate policy topic
The most inspiring posters will be promoted by 350.org
Poster images can be downloaded by anyone for free at www.climate-victory.com
High-res versions of all four designs can be downloaded at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/63hqune1nuhpljd/AADFbDQkWqD-iPWOlgdxGIuRa
Poster prints can be ordered for the cost of production/shipping
Artists will receive a portion of any proceeds from sales of their posters
So tell the world – what does Climate Victory look like to you?
» Home page: www.thecreativeactionnetwork.com
» Article about the initiative: www.cleantechnica.com
Worth watching: ‘Climate Change – Years of Living Dangerously’
Review by Sustainability Leaders
Because it “happens” on a global scale, both in terms of causes and implications, climate change is no easy story to tell. It is, however, perhaps the most important story that needs to be told for current and future generations to grasp the extent of the challenge they – we – will be facing. In the video below, Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy.
YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY takes you directly to the heart of the matter in this awe-inspiring and cinematic documentary series event from Executive Producers James Cameron, Jerry Weintraub and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
» Subscribe to the Years of Living Dangerously channel for more: www.s.sho.com/YearsYouTube
» Official site: www.sho.com/yearsoflivingdange…
» The Years Project: www.yearsoflivingdangerously.com
» Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/YEARSofLIVING
» Like on Facebook: www.facebook.com/YearsOfLiving
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Climate action and jobs
» The World Bank: Climate action video
» Read more: www.worldbank.org
Bono and Tutu: Call for world leaders to act
The new momentum for climate action reflects growing support for the ongoing transition from a society run on fossil fuels to a future based on renewables. This is what communities, businesses and investors are increasingly calling for and investing in, including high-profile campaigners like Malala Yousafzai, Desmond Tutu and Bono, who have written an open letter published in 30 newspapers around the world, urging world leaders to secure “the future we want for people and planet”.
Source: Tree Alerts
» Read the letter on: www.blogs.savethechildren.org.uk
» Related article on this topic in The Guardian: www.theguardian.com
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» The Sustainable Hour – 29 May 2014:
Call for a mature discussion about climate change and vested interests
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“According to The Australia Institute, the fossil fuel industry receives more than $10 billion per year in government subsidies, with the mining industry hogging most of it. The diesel fuel rebate or Fuel Tax Credit Scheme, is worth $4 billion per year. It might have been designed originally for farmers, but the lion’s share goes to the mining industry.
In 2012, nine out of ten people polled voted for the money to be redirected to health and education. But, unless you are one of the powerful business elites, you – sadly – have very little sway with this Government. Because miners and moguls run Australia.”
» Independent Australia – 6 May 2014:
The fossil fuel industry and who really runs Australia
The age of entitlement is over in Australia — except for the dominant fossil fuel industry and those rich enough to be able to buy political patronage. Deputy editor Sandi Keane reports.
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» ThinkProgress – 18 July 2014:
Florida Governor Agrees To Meet With Climate Scientists After Letter Stirs Up Political Pressure
A letter sent by ten Florida climate scientists to Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) appears to have generated real results.
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National tree planting day
An upcoming community tree planting day on 27 July is part of a 60,000 tree project in City of Greater Geelong called the ‘Greenway Project’
Council has committed to greening up the Ted Wilson Trail, a 21 kilometre bike path that runs along the Geelong Ring Road. It is currently bereft of any vegetation, apart from some plantings done by Council over the last few years. As part of the Greenway Project, Council will plant over 60,000 trees and shrubs along the trail over the next five years.
In order to help us get the trees in the ground, Greenway Project is asking for local volunteers to help with tree planting. They are holding a Community Tree Planting Day in conjunction with Planet Ark, Active in Parks and the Australia wide 202020 Vision campaign on Sunday 27 July 2014. They are hoping to plant over 2,000 trees on the day from 9:30am til 3pm along the Greenway at Haines Reserve in Hamlyn Heights
The Lions Club will be putting on a free BBQ, tea and coffee to keep all tree planters warm and all of the local Geelong community is encouraged to come along and help build an iconic Geelong green space.
» All information about the day can be found at www.treeday.planetark.org/site/10003872
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Climate Change and Sustainability Forums in Surf Coast
In October 2014, in the lead-up to the State election in Surf Coast – a marginal electorate of South Barwon – Surf Coast Energy Group is holding a series of public forums relating to climate change and sustainability with the final forum being dedicated to candidate questions and answers.
It is with great excitement that we can confirm at the 1st forum Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe from the Lowy Institute will give the keynote address and that professor David Karoly, an expert on climate change and climate variability, will be speaking.
» Read more on: www.sceg.org.au
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Other coming events
Wednesday 23 July: Green Drinks in Geelong – Keynote Topic: ‘Community renewables – cheaper and clean electricity to all – is it possible?’ Meet three speakers who are saying: Why not? Learn about community energy models, and ways of saving money on your electricity while shrinking your carbon footprint to help solving the problem with global warming.
» Find out more at: www.geelongsustainability.org.au/event-1716660
Sunday 27 July, 7.00 pm: Hugh Venables from BZE is presenting: ‘Fed up with rising energy bills? Find out how to reduce them, Zero is achievable’ – a public information night organised by Transition Towns Maroondah at East Ringwood Community Hall, Knaith Road, Ringwood East. RSVP events@ttm.org.au
Thursday 7 August, 7.00 pm: ‘Empowering Moreland – Community Climate Action Forum’. Presented by Climate Action Moreland and 350.org Melbourne. At Coburg Concert Hall, 90 Bell St, Coburg.
» See Facebook event page: www.facebook.com/events/678219255546437
Sunday August 31: March in Australia event
» www.facebook.com/MarchInMarchMelbourne2014
September 19-21: Australian climate summit in Brisbane
» www.climatesummit.org.au.
September 20-21: People’s Climate Mobilisation at the United Nations Global Climate Summit in New York and around the world.
» www.avaaz.org
October 24-27: Beyond Coal and Gas: Protecting our Heritage, Embracing the Future in South East Queensland.
» www.sunriseproject.org.au/blog
November 15-16 in Brisbane: G20 summit.
November 29: Victorian election.
Source: VCAN news
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Climate | Geelong | Facebook
» Fossil Fuel Free Future: www.facebook.com/fossilfuelfreefuture
» I Like Climate Safety: www.facebook.com/ClimateSafety
» Geelong Climate Action Network: www.facebook.com/groups/558501300921423 (Closed group for climate campaigners)
If you liked this podcast…
…then you should also listen to:
» The Sustainable Hour on 23 April 2014: “This is Geelong calling!”
In this Earth Day Special on 23 April 2014, The Sustainable Hour explores what our relationship with the natural world means, what we can learn from looking at old civilisations that collapsed, and from traditional, indigenous people.
» The Sustainable Hour on 28 May 2014: Call for a mature discussion about climate change and vested interests
While Lismore City Council aims to go 100 per cent renewables in just ten years, the City of Greater Geelong Council has recently approved a draft budget with sustainability initiatives receiving little or no funding.
» The Sustainable Hour on 12 June 2014: Climate ignorance responsible for teenage despair
Climate change can be linked to increase in Australia’s suicide rates, a study shows. In this the 29th edition of The Sustainable Hour, we talk about what a city’s councillors could and should be doing in order to ensure that its teenagers don’t lose hope on climate change.
Podcast: Beyond Zero Emissions Community Show
Beyond Zero Emissions Community Show is a one hour podcast focusing on activism and campaigning is recorded live every Monday at 5pm. The show aims to provide up-to-date news about community campaigns, actions and events from around Australia, including interviews with members of the climate action group community.
» Listen to the show and read more: www.bze.org.au
Over 24 sustainable hours of listening online
You can listen to all of the radio shows in full length as well as in selected excerpts. Use the links below. You will also find links to more information about the topics and sites that have been mentioned during the hour.
| Social stream | Hour no 33 | No 32 | No 31 | No 30 | No 29 | No 28 | No 27 | No 26 | No 25 | No 24 | No 23 | No 22 | No 21 | No 20 | No 19 | No 18 | No 17 | No 16 | No 15 | No 14 | No 13 | No 12 | No 11 | No 10 | No 9 | No 8 | No 7 | No 6 | No 5 | No 4 | No 3 | No 2 | No 1 |
» Facebook: Overview of all the programs
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